More threads by JoyHawkins


Local Search Expert
LocalU Faculty
Aug 23, 2014
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I wanted to make sure you all knew that there is going to be another LocalU Advanced event this year!

It will be in Denver, CO at University of Denver's Craig Hall and currently the Pre-Agenda pricing is only $599 (reg price is $949).

They haven't released the full agenda yet, but you can expect topics from:
  • Cindy Krum of MobileMoxie on Mobile Tools and Case Studies
  • Ask me Anything (AMA) - Agency and Enterprise Edition
  • Joy Hawkins of Sterling Sky (yep, that's me) on ranking Service Area Businesses (SABs)
Register by July 1 to get the Pre-Agenda savings of $350.

I highly recommend this one day event to learn from the best of the best. I know of 3 Google My Business Product Experts that will be speaking and a few others that will be attending. Awesome opportunity to pick the brains of some knowledgeable folks. I have been to two of the advanced events. It’s worth it.
Yay! Will be so great to finally meet you in person. Drinks on me :)
Yep, signed up for my first one! Looking forward to meeting everyone in what I call "God's Country".
Hey everyone, if you work in local SEO, you owe it to yourself to attend a LocalU Advanced event whenever you can. They are great!
Tim, will you be there?

Hey I wish I could. I have attended the ones in Santa Monica the past two years, which is fairly close to my home in Oceanside, and so I generally try to attend when they come to that venue. I wish I could get to more events and it's always a balancing act between going and networking vs. time at home with the family.
Hey I wish I could. I have attended the ones in Santa Monica the past two years, which is fairly close to my home in Oceanside, and so I generally try to attend when they come to that venue. I wish I could get to more events and it's always a balancing act between going and networking vs. time at home with the family.

Dang, was hoping to meet you finally! I love interacting with you on the board and always value your insight. Hopefully we'll get to meet soon!
Some day, I'm sure. I'm too frugal (=cheap) to do very much travel these days and I do like having some work/family balance.

There was a time earlier in my career, back in the 1980s, when I traveled for a week at a time, every other week, for an entire year, teaching Paradox database programming courses around the USA. In retrospect, I regret spending so much time away from home and family.
For what it's worth, I only attend LocalU Advanced now, although I keep toying with the idea of attending one or two other SEO events that take place in San Diego, which is near my home.
Hmmm....just checked flight costs, it's cheap!

Just need somewhere to crash...any offers?
I am coming. I need to support the LocalU peeps and Craig Mount, he helped set it up.
I am on board too! (Now to book flights and hotel)

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