More threads by Chris Ratchford

Chris Ratchford

Jul 18, 2012
Reaction score
I have an ortho client that needs to start being proactive with their reviews.

I know all about services like DemandForce and Lighthouse- but I'm not interested in those options.

Can anyone recommend a service that helps small businesses ask customers for a review?

I want to give the customer the option of choosing which review site (Google, Yelp, Citysearch, etc.).

I know Mike Blumenthal provides direction with his post, but again, I'm looking for a service.
One to look at is from Don Campbell. It has a very easy to use approach to gathering customer feedback and leading the customer through to the review process. There is also an agency level with significant quantity discounts available.
Following a tip from Phil Rozek I've been looking at and have started building a couple of pages for clients. Too soon to tell how effective it is, but it certainly makes it easier for customers.
I haven't tried it. Curious to know if anyone here has used the customer review tool of ?
Five Stars says that if you are managing multiple accounts:

We're currently in a closed beta -- if you have a beta access key, please enter it below. Otherwise, you can email us and we'll let you know when we launch!
To sort of toot my own horn, I have my product called ReviewSentry which you put on a sub domain for your client. It's a mitigation system that filters negative reviews into your clients inbox and delivers an SMS message that a review was submitted. On the other side, if the customer has a great review they are then presented with clients 3rd party review pages on sites like Yelp, etc where they can leave the review from their mobile or desktop. 100% FTC compliant system, no posting reviews on behalf, no sock puppet accounts, no astro turfing required.

It is white label and available for agencies to resell. Currently I sell it on FB to roofing contractors for 1k set and 197 a month. If your interested contact me via PM on the forum.
Just wanted to follow up and let everyone know that I've delved in to Get Five Stars and I'm pretty happy with what I've seen so far.

I've demo'd it to a couple clients and they really like it.

But what I'm really impressed with so far is how the developer is open to suggestions. I've been emailing him back and forth with ideas and questions and I'm happy to see they've already implemented some of my suggestions.

In the past I've seen some developers take months to listen to their clients, these guys at Get Five Stars updated their system within 24 hours.

Here's an example of how the reviews integrate into the client's website (keep in mind that the reviews are filler content- not real):
Patient Testimonials - Dakota Pediatric Dentistry
Great to hear Chris! I didn't know much about that product in particular but I know Don. Quality guy who does quality everything from what I've seen. I recommend his small business WP theme all the time.

I'm looking into possibly using this system for a client of mine. I checked it out on your website and it looks pretty good. I just have a few questions for you...

1. What happens when they submit their review? Are they redirected to a page with links to other directories they can leave a review on (i.e. a link to Yelp, Google+, etc. etc.)?

2. If they are redirected that way, can you select which directories they get to choose from? And is the patient basically required to submit a second review then - the initial review they wrote plus the review they have to write for the directory they link to?

3. Is the initial review they write automatically posted to the dentist's site if they select they are o.k. with that?


Just wanted to follow up and let everyone know that I've delved in to Get Five Stars and I'm pretty happy with what I've seen so far.

I've demo'd it to a couple clients and they really like it.

But what I'm really impressed with so far is how the developer is open to suggestions. I've been emailing him back and forth with ideas and questions and I'm happy to see they've already implemented some of my suggestions.

In the past I've seen some developers take months to listen to their clients, these guys at Get Five Stars updated their system within 24 hours.

Here's an example of how the reviews integrate into the client's website (keep in mind that the reviews are filler content- not real):
Patient Testimonials - Dakota Pediatric Dentistry

Long story short- the client switched gears and is now using Lighthouse 360.

They really didn't like Get5stars... they needed a more robust product. Actually, I've not gotten any traction with my clients when it comes to G5S. It's just too difficult for them to integrate into their day to day routine.... The same with a number of clients I've tried to get on G5S... so far, I'm batting 0-for.

I'm about to call it a night... I'll answer your exact questions tomorrow.

Interesting. When you reply back, please comment on what the drawbacks were of G5S and what you mean specifically by "not getting traction." My understanding of their system is you bolt it on your site and then you just send your customers to the review page. It sounds like there is more to it. I look forward to your response. Have a good night.

Mike Blumenthal is involved now and I'm sure the product has evolved some too.

I'll ping Mike and Don if I think of it on Monday and see if they have anything to add.
Well, another drink and some late night dessert gave me my second wind.
1. What happens when they submit their review? Are they redirected to a page with links to other directories they can leave a review on (i.e. a link to Yelp, Google+, etc. etc.)?
The business owner has the option to either send an email to the customer with a link to a short review page. Won't get into the details, but the gist of it is conditional logic. If the customer leaves a bad review, they are directed to a page that asks if the business owner can contact them.

The customer leaves a positive review, the reviewer is redirected to a page with a customizable list of review sites like Google Local, Yelp, Citysearch, InsiderPages, etc.

2. If they are redirected that way, can you select which directories they get to choose from? And is the patient basically required to submit a second review then - the initial review they wrote plus the review they have to write for the directory they link to?
This system does NOT recreate any reviews. It only directs happy customers to review sites. It's like a funnel.

3. Is the initial review they write automatically posted to the dentist's site if they select they are o.k. with that?
The system is very customizable. The business owner has the option of reviewing each review.

Like Linda mentioned, Mike Blumenthal is somehow associated w/ it... and whatever he recommends, I'm pretty much sold... He's the E.F. Hutton of local search!

I finally have a client (an orthodontist) who wants to commit to this system. We'll see. My biggest beef w/ this system is the lack of support. Not that you need help setting it up, but when you try to sell this service against other review systems, it's pretty difficult. Personally, I don't feel like there's enough training for resellers or business owners.

Even though my ortho client is going to try it, I don't really push it anymore w/ other clients, because the past few clients I've tried to get on this system got frustrated with me- and 2 are no longer clients. One actually got so pissed off about the lack of features they fired me.

I'm looking into possibly using this system for a client of mine. I checked it out on your website and it looks pretty good. I just have a few questions for you...

1. What happens when they submit their review? Are they redirected to a page with links to other directories they can leave a review on (i.e. a link to Yelp, Google+, etc. etc.)?

2. If they are redirected that way, can you select which directories they get to choose from? And is the patient basically required to submit a second review then - the initial review they wrote plus the review they have to write for the directory they link to?

3. Is the initial review they write automatically posted to the dentist's site if they select they are o.k. with that?


Hi Travis
Mike Blumenthal here. I have been involved in the development of GetFiveStars and can respond.

1. Once they submit feedback and the (very, very) brief survey they are branched depending on the survey response. If a 9 or 10 they are taken to a page with links to the businesses review pages online. If they respond with an 8 the receive an email from the business owner.

2. By default we have 13 review sites from which to choose. There is also the ability to add 2 unique custom urls if there is a site that isn't on the list. If there are additional sites that you want to refer clients to that are not on the list but that you think should be, we will add them. That usually takes less than a day.

The product, during configuration and any time there after, allows a drag and drop reordering of the review sites so if you for some reason want to highlight one or the other first on the list you can do so. Thus the customer might see Google first one month but after they received their stars there, Google could be moved down the list and some other site put at the top.

3.The feedback that the customer provides can be pushed out to the business's site in real time. There is a configuration option that makes that process automatic (i.e. any feedback greater than X will auto push) or manual. That way the person looking at the dashboard can decide whether to push all, none or some either automatically or manually. And to take one down if it was pushed and is somehow inappropriate.

If you want a demo just let me know I can give you a tour.

As Chris noted we are looking for feedback. Thus we have a code for a heavily discounted 10 pack agency package. The only requirement to get the special pricing is that the agency provide us with feedback.

Like Linda mentioned, Mike Blumenthal is somehow associated w/ it... and whatever he recommends, I'm pretty much sold... He's the E.F. Hutton of local search!

I finally have a client (an orthodontist) who wants to commit to this system. We'll see. My biggest beef w/ this system is the lack of support. Not that you need help setting it up, but when you try to sell this service against other review systems, it's pretty difficult. Personally, I don't feel like there's enough training for resellers or business owners.

Even though my ortho client is going to try it, I don't really push it anymore w/ other clients, because the past few clients I've tried to get on this system got frustrated with me- and 2 are no longer clients. One actually got so pissed off about the lack of features they fired me.

The system it not ideal for a fast paced dental environment that has a fully integrated scheduling system. The reason being that the emails need to be uploaded as a separate step. Although if the system they have has the ability to send out a follow up email we can integrate with that.

At this point in the time it is not ideal for a large multi practitioner practice with multiple locations. That will change but for now, its not a good ft.

We don't have hooks into scheduling. In its first incarnation, it is ideal for single location bricks and mortar businesses. It has been working very well in the insurance fields, retail and tourism.

We are relying on agencies to implement and train in the system. Set up is straight forward.

The philosophy of the product is "feedback first". This means that there is a step between the client and the review site. Our belief is that understanding how a client is performing over time, giving the customer an avenue for complaint and assessing how happy they are all critical to preventing bad reviews and improving customer service. As such the product is not going to generate tons and tons of reviews. It will generate a good number over time with a very natural foot print.

As to lack of selling materials that is a real issue for us. We are rebuilding the website but selling tools have not been a first focus. Any and all suggestions in this area would be appreciated.

The product has been kept razor sharp simple for a reason. That being said we are looking to add features so we would love to hear exactly what features the client wanted that wasn't in the product.
As a note if you are working with a client and have questions or problems, Don and I are willing to assist in any way necessary. Just let us know.
Travis, Chris,
As Mike mentioned, we are working furiously to add more content to the website, and have a series of videos coming out very soon that show all areas of the product.

In the meantime, I'd be glad to get on a screen sharing session and go over anything with you.

Also, we have added something like 100 new features to the product in the past 3 months and have learned a lot.

Let us know how we can help you.
Thanks Mike and Don. I'm going to reach out to you guys privately to get more info on the reseller discount and to see if I can get a tour.

I'll just give you some quick feedback here. I tried taking your system for a test drive as you have the free trial period and for the life of me I couldn't figure it out. The whole process was very confusing.

For guys like me - local consultants looking for a review system for our clients to implement - I would just like access to a complete demo of the system. I don't want or need a free trial period and I don't want to go through a lot of trouble installing stuff just to see how the whole thing works.

Short of giving agencies access to a demo system, I would expect videos showing the entire system - how it works on the front-end and how it works in the back-end.

Another thing you guys might want to implement is a referral system. There is another review system I found that I really like that sends out a flyer or a discounted coupon to the customer AFTER they leave a positive review. The flyer is a basic HTML page that says "thanks" and provides info about the business. The flyer encourages the customer to it with their friends and family via social share and email buttons. It's pretty slick and according to the developer is very effective.

Hi Travis

Thanks for the feedback. The site is undergoing a revamp and we will try to include your suggestion for a full video showing how it works.

The referral idea is one that is great, and is on our to do list.

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