More threads by SunshineMarketing

Feb 5, 2025
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Hello, we have run into an issue where our LSA account went from 10-15 leads per day to 0 leads, and 0 ad impressions total over the course of 2 months. We contacted LSA support multiple times and they repeatedly told us that we were showing fine on their end and that we were probably being outranked by competition. There's just no way being outranked means 0 ad impressions total, and we can't even search our name or services and find us anywhere in the service providers list, for any keywords, even at the very bottom. One of the support agents linked us "proof" and clicking this link to our supposed profile showed "This profile no longer exists". After running around with support in circles for several weeks, they finally opened an internal support ticket which was then "resolved" but the issue persisted.

Fast forward to 2 weeks ago and we gave up. We had support delete the account and we created a new profile (this was after more than 2 months of attempting to get the previous LSA working to no avail). We're nearly 2 weeks in on this new profile and it's the EXACT same issue as before. 0 ad impressions in total, and we can't find ourselves in the list of providers in our area. We ran the previous LSA for nearly 2 years without any issues, and I cannot think of or find a single issue on the account, but I'll put below all relevant info that I can think of and what we've tried and checked. This is for a company that deals with glass repair and replacement for windows and sliding doors. Our business is registered with the state (Florida), we have a proper CGC license, business insurance, and we run Google Ads and our GMB just fine it's just LSA that has completely stopped.

  • Budget is set to a very high $10,000 per week (it was originally set to something like $2,000 and we changed this after it stopped working)
  • Tried both automated bidding and setting a $100 max cost per lead (we were averaging $70 when it was working)
  • Checked all job types, business info, name exactly as it is registered, ZIP, address, etc all matches both our state registration and the GMB exactly (and our website)
  • GMB profile is verified and attached to LSA, more than 2 years old, has almost 200 reviews, sitting at 5 stars, shows just fine on Google Maps and search results
  • Photos are all verified, with none needing attention or waiting on verification
  • Email, text, and direct search are all enabled (tried with each off for 72 hours individually as well)
  • Service areas are correct and within a 2-hour driving distance from physical location, business hours are correct and match GMB (tried counties, cities, and ZIP)
  • No policy violations on LSA or Google Ads
  • Billing info is correct and verified, no standing balance (even manually paid the amount since it was lower than the charge cap just to make sure)
  • Business verification steps are all complete and verified, we got the email nearly 2 weeks ago that the Google Guaranteed badge should be showing now on the new LSA, double-checked that nothing like license or insurance is expiring
  • Account access limited to only the GMB owner (same as LSA account), email is a workspace email with no known issues
  • We've since received nearly 10 reviews since the new LSA went up, we pushed for customer reviews to see if it would move the LSA at all
  • No big changes to the new LSA for over a week to let it settle in and learn as needed
  • GMB was linked and verified to the previous LSA weeks in advance of the LSA change requiring it
  • GMB has never been suspended for any reason
  • All of our competitors still show like normal in the LSA service providers list
  • We rarely ever missed any calls, messages were replied to within an hour at most, and only disputed leads if they were calls for the wrong business

Under reports, we show exactly 0 ad impressions, and under leads we don't have a single one (and the previous profile had thousands of leads before suddenly going dead and showing 0 ad impressions and leads for over 2 months).

Has anyone come across this? We are running out of ideas, the previous profile suddenly stopped without warning and support says nothing is wrong and that we are simply being outranked (which is obviously not true). We thought nuking the old profile and starting a new one would work, but no dice, and support isn't willing to help.
Does the GBP name match the LSA profile? I know this can cause performance issues.

Yes, the GBP name is identical to the LSA profile, both are identical to the name registered with the state of FL. All business info including name, phone number, and address are identical across our GBP, website, LSA, and business registration.
Are you still experiencing the issue?

We're dealing with the same problem and are considering creating a new account for the same GBP, just like you did.

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