More threads by oprice


Dec 27, 2023
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We received a notice in our LSA account last night that our ads may have stopped running for restricted medical content, in particular prescription drug treatments. We checked out Google Ads account thinking it might be coming from that but there's no policy warnings on the account. We went through the website and the GBP and none of the prescription drugs that are mentioned in Google's policy are mentioned. We are a personal injury law firm so there are mentions of medical malpractice, but we don't handle mass torts so there's no mention of dangerous drug lawsuits. What would cause our LSA to be suspended?
What does the notice you received say to do in order to resolve the issue? Is the account suspended, or flagged for a policy violation? What does it say in the Policy Manager of your LSA account? What industries/job types are enabled?

PI law gets flagged for policy limitations all the time in PPC (due to terms on website/landing pg), I haven't seen it in LSAs. I'd reach out to support for clarification, if you already did, what did they say?

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