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Sep 16, 2013
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Hey everyone. I just posted the following on Google+ and then remembered that I should also check here to see if anyone has any advice on the matter. I thank you in advance for any input.


I am looking for advice/opinions on the best tools being used by other agencies to manage Google Adwords accounts for clients.

I'm wanting to give more in-depth reporting for Adwords. All we are giving clients at the moment are reports showing total monthly cost, total clicks, CPC, and search terms. We also are using a rep through Google Partners to create and manage the campaigns.

Some clients don't really care to see in-depth reports, but as we begin to manage larger accounts, I want to give more options.

These are small businesses so I am looking for tools costing us no more than $400/month, preferably.

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Hey Ben,

Thanks for posting and for embedding your G+ post. I do that quite often but you are the 1st member to embed, so that was cool!

I have not worked with Adwords for years so don't have anything to offer, but hopefully some of our other members will weigh in with some tips.
You can look at Raven Tools. It has a very robust reporting mechanism and ad management system.

It does a lot more than just the PPC portion too, so if you offer other client services, you could have one tool for nearly everything.
I heard about Raven Tools but only just now looked into it after your post. Looks interesting... Not to take this thread off-topic, but do you think you could PM me a quick tidbit on what you like the most about it, if you have a second?
Hey Linda,

Thank you. I actually got the idea from one of your posts. Thought it was a great idea.

Thanks Greg for your advice. I have used Raven Tools in the past but wasn't really satisfied with everything.

On Google+, a couple people recommended me to try Wordstream. I've known about Wordstream, and recently saw Larry Kim speak at State of Search, but I have never tried their product.

Does anyone have experience using Wordstream? Is it worth the money?
I'm on a trial of Wordstream now, and I do like the options it provides. Raven Tools is also very, very robust. I'll report back on my experience with Wordstream this week. So far, it fits the bill for small/medium sized businesses.

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