More threads by mikepcservice

Jun 6, 2018
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Hey guys, if you have a site with lots of pages or creating frequent blogs how do you manage the pics and videos use on every page? I see blogging sites using the same images and videos every whenever, is this counter productive or should you never use the same image or video more than once please?
Hey guys, if you have a site with lots of pages or creating frequent blogs how do you manage the pics and videos use on every page? I see blogging sites using the same images and videos every whenever, is this counter productive or should you never use the same image or video more than once please?

For us, usually, we have a unique image with each post or page. Those images are then optimized and set with various Alt Tags specific to that post.

In the past, we would use the same image on multiple blog posts, especially when it came to WordPress exploits or updates. But over the past 2 years we became much more diligent and we use different images - sometimes it's the same style image, just different colors etc.
Thanks but won't that method eventually use up too much resource in Wordpress Media when you keep adding pic after pic to it? Also, one would run out of videos pretty quickly especially when doing like weekly blogging, no?
No issues with resources. Images are stored in the file system. The database is a URL link to that file. Whether you use the same image or a different image, the usage in the database will be the same amount.

As far as multiple images on a website, yes, those count as resources (file system usage), but most hosting companies have a generous disk quota available. We have clients on a basic shared hosting which has 10GB disk available. The plan we're on has 40GB available.

Our site uses less than 1GB of disk space (including 84MB database)
1697 images
450 blog posts

All our public videos are uploaded to youtube (109 videos currently listed as public) many are cross-posts of our Facebook Live videos that we ran weekly, and then our update videos, and help videos.

Then we have private videos at Vimeo which are more geared directly at our clients which have how-to and help videos specific to their sites, or new features available in plugins that we utilize. Yes, we love videos :)

So for resources, nothing to be worried about (usually).
What about using the same videos sometimes on multiple pages?

If it makes sense to do it, then yes, for sure, you can do it.

If I have a page about roof repair, then the video would be talking about roof repair. It wouldn't make sense to put that same video on window installation.

However, if you have a video that covers multiple topics like that (like an advertising video or a hiring video), then it would make sense to put it on multiple pages.

For us, the rule in our head is "does this inform or aid in a conversion" - if the answer is yes, then it stays. Anything that is not leading toward the sale/contact gets removed (unless it's an information piece).

There are always exceptions to the rule :)

Even our own site, since most of our Facebook Lives were 30+ minutes, you'll see in various blog posts or pages that we queue up a section of the video for the user. It's the same video, but the information being provided when they click on it is completely different. We might talk about making a backup and installing a specific plugin, but they're two different pieces of information.
Of course, last question on this please. For Location pages, I have 4 so can I use the same video on each of those 4 pages?
Of course, last question on this please. For Location pages, I have 4 so can I use the same video on each of those 4 pages?
Yup, they can be the same or different. I recommend a separate video to our clients, but only a few of them have done it that way. Most use the same "commercial" type video on their location page. I'd much rather see something specific to that location in the video, but either way works.
Thanks but won't that method eventually use up too much resource in Wordpress Media when you keep adding pic after pic to it? Also, one would run out of videos pretty quickly especially when doing like weekly blogging, no?

There are WordPress plugins that can convert your regular image files into .webp & serve it from an external server. Autoptimize by Frank Goossens is one such plugin.

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