More threads by kaanankara06


Jan 1, 2022
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Hello, I would like to thank the volunteer experts here in advance.

I am writing with a translation program and I apologize in advance for possible word errors.

My 6-Year-Old Profile I haven't even had the chance to post or post a picture on my profile lately because I'm undergoing chemotherapy.

However, I received a suspension email with the message [Misleading content and content that violates our conduct policies are not allowed].

I was just responding to my customers' comments.

However, every day I received calls from 0850 numbers saying that if you do not pay, your profile will be closed.

I reported these to 3rd party policy but did not get a solution.

One day before my profile was suspended, I was called again, I argued with the lady who called, I said you are a fraudster and after threatening that your profile would be closed in 2 days, my profile was indeed suspended.

I think these people with high-level local directory accounts are constantly complaining and closing down those who don't pay.

Because I didn't make any changes to my profile, it was a working profile for 6 years, whatever happened happened after these searches.

I applied for reinstatement but it was rejected so I wrote again and he sent me a link here

Please I need someone's help Turkey support is closed so my hands are tied.

I wish you all success in your business life.

Ekran görüntüsü 2024-03-06 105348.jpg
Sorry to hear about your experience.

We had gone through a similar experience recently with another product on Google (not a GMB) where people were extorting us, demanding payment or else they would spam us with negative reviews. Infact they started spamming us and we are still going through it.

It was a very frustrating experience. Some of the things I will suggest from this experience:

- Dont engage with these people and never pay. It will only make the matter worse. If possible dont talk or engage with them in any way. We did that.
- Collect all the proof, be it screenshot of the messages or recording. We did that and it was very helpful later on.
- Open a complain with Google as early as possible. At the end of the day, only they can help you as Google Maps is a closed platform. In our case we reached out to the community professional in Google and they helped us a lot. As I mentioned, this product was not a GMB, so I dont think our specific contact will help you. You can find the equivalent in GMB space.
- Please dont take it personal, there are always bad actors out there. It is part of being on the internet.

In our case we where able to have Google remove a lot of the spam. We are still working with them for the rest.

Hope things work out for you.

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