More threads by DTO Jerbs

Sep 27, 2012
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Got a client whose listings on Google (11 locations nationwide) are in the format...

Company Name + Location

i.e. CarDealerXpress Buffalo


Their citations for each site are a mixture of CarDealerXpress and CarDealerXpress Buffalo (for each site). Is it worth....

1. Changing each of the Google+ Local listings to just CarDealerXpress (and making all of the citations CarDealerXpress)

2. Changing all of the name citations to match CarDealerXpress + Location (because otherwise it might be perceived as having inconsistent citations).


Some of the citations link to the company homepage. Some of the citations link direct to the "showroom" page (a sub-page on the site). The Google+ Local listing is setup using the showroom page. Would there be benefits in changing all of the citations to the showroom page?
Need to start by getting the G+ Local page right then work out from there.

1) It's a major violation that can even cause the entire account to be suspended to add city or keywords to the business name. So if the name is really CarDealerXpress you need to get rid of Buffalo. Exception being if it's a franchise or something and the official name and majority of citations has city in it. But usually they don't and it's just added in violation.

2) The G+ L pages should not all link to home or showroom. Ideally each should link to a KW and GEO optimized page on their site.

Example: Austin, TX Plumber | Roto-Rooter Plumbing

Then once you get the NAP and link right on the G+ L fix important citations that are wrong to match.

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