More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
Reaction score
Jade just let us know about another great update for Google My Business Locations users.

<img src="" alt="GBusinessAccountsBulk" width="85%" />​

Today Google is launching Business Accounts, to make it easier to share management of your locations with multiple users, for upgraded Google My Business Locations users.

This will be an important update and great improvement for those that manage large chains and franchises where you want various managers, store owners to be able to update certain data.

<a href="!category-topic/business/announcements/9Pk5QCFaFho">Google My Business Locations - Introducing Business Accounts</a>

Please head over to read the official Google announcement which has links to additional info you may need.

I'm still reading through all the related help docs and as you know I don't personally work with bulk listings, so don't have anything to add at this time, except that this looks like a wonderful update for those that do.

And in case you missed it there was another update for "Locations" on Friday.

<a href="">Google Updates Google My Business Locations (Bulk Listings)</a>

Kudos once again to the team for continuing to make so many improvements to the local products, to make it easier for Local Search Pros to help their local customers!
Mike posted this morning and goes into more details with some screenshots.

Head over and take a read if you have not already.

<a href="">My Business Locations Business Accounts ? A Tool to Manage Social in Bulk</a>

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