More threads by JS Girard

JS Girard

Mar 29, 2022
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We've been noticing a new upload interface that is either in test or deployment. Ciurrently depending on the GBP and the account used to access it, we can see one of three interfaces (click for full size). the newest one is based off the new Knowledge panel photo view popup
old system.jpg

new system.jpg

newest system.jpg

A few things of note with the newest interface:
  • The "en attente" (i.e. "waiting", "on hold" or something like that) label is new for our agency. No one had seen it before. We don,t know yet what it says in english.
  • My colleague was panicking over the "rejected" labels, but despite the new "on hold" label, I'm 100% convinced this is just the same old bullshit where they show the same label for pictures waiting approval.
    • We won't know for sure until 2-3 days (the normal delays for new pictures on newly validated profiles)
  • There is now not an image size, but a file size requirement, which my coworker hit when trying to upload that QR code. This says "File size must be at least 9,77 Kb", which we have never seen before:
  • The "upload a cover image" and "upload a logo" elements are back within the gallery
    • For us, if you have the old gallery and there is no Cover image or logo defined, you cannot define these images within the gallery (only change it iif it's already defined), you have to go back to the NMX dashboard and use "add photo".
    • According to my colleague, the interface for cropping the logo has also changed, but I checked it and all was okay. My coworker is not techsavy at all and so I'm trying to get in touch with the other cooworkers that got over that hurdle for more details.
We started noticing that new upload system last week, but I haven't seen anyone talk about it...
Interesting. I'll share this and see if anyone has noticed this.
Update: second coworker confirms the Logo upload was not changed. It was an issue with the logo image being not square so the first coworkers couldn't crop it without part of logo being cut off. First coworkers panicked a little and assumed this was somehow linked to the UI change.
Update the second: coworker tried to have a look again at the photos for the same profile, but the "Manage photos" button is not working, and even in view mode, the sidebar isn't loading 🙄 FFS google...
I should not e the issue I describe above is ONLY for that profile. We haven't seen it on other GBPs.

  • This interface does not allow you to "sort" images.
    • Which makes it REAL funny when google is all "Hey uplaod an image of the outside of the business :D" and at the same basically thumbing its nose you being all "nyeh nyeh nyeh you can't label images as inside/outside/staff" 🤨
    • Hopefully they will fix that... or at least stop asking for specific image types!
  • GBP will no longer accept portrait orientation picture for cover.
    • I confirmed this by reframing the image to a 3:2 ratio and it immediately accepted it as the cover image.
I have been working on a new media feature for our App and it's quite interesting to see the differences between the GBP dashboard and the API. For example, the ability to add a description and set the category of an image is only available through the API. Also when you upload an image for a cover or logo via the API it changes the existing image to the 'Additional' category, whereas if it's done via the GBP dashboard then it replaces the existing image.

@JS Girard I don't believe the 9.77KB file size limit is new as the docs state 10KB minimum. They enforce the limit on both the dimension and size.

The 30-second limit on videos is not enforced and you can upload longer videos.

Photo guidelines​

Your photos look best on Google if they meet the following standards:
  • Format: JPG or PNG.
  • Size: Between 10 KB and 5 MB.
  • Recommended resolution: 720 px tall, 720 px wide.
  • Minimum resolution: 250 px tall, 250 px wide.
  • Quality: The photo should be in focus and well lit, and have no significant alterations or excessive use of filters. In other words, the image should represent reality.

Video guidelines​

Make sure your videos meet the following requirements:
  • Duration: Up to 30 seconds long
  • File size: Up to 75 MB
  • Resolution: 720p or higher

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