More threads by Colan Nielsen

Colan Nielsen

LocalU Faculty
Top Poster Of Month
Jul 19, 2012
Reaction score
I've noticed a recent trend with newly verified accounts going straight into a "pending" status in the dashboard. All the listings I've checked are indeed live so it almost seems like some sort of delay with the pending message catching up to the real time results.

Anyone else experiencing this?

Possible new bug?

Possibly something to do with Google's final migration from Google Places to G+ Local?
Thanks so much for starting the thread while I was having PC problems Colan.

Hey all, here's a thread at the Google forum Colan and I have been envolved with.

Mass Pending for new accounts, a new bug?

And we've been having lots more pending reports recently than usual.

Joy, who recently was promoted to Top Contributor (YAY JOY!) talked to Abby, who is the new, but as yet unannounced, Community Manager (in conjuction with Jade, not replacing her).

Joy wrote:

"I asked Google about this and Abby said:

There haven't been any changes recently. Here are a few reasons a listing could be showing as 'pending':

If it's a new listing, the pending message will display in the dashboard temporarily. There is a lag behind the real status of the listing in the index, so even though the listing is active, it may show as pending for a few weeks.

If a listing's status goes back to pending after being active, it could be any number of issues, including a quality guidelines violation, and needs to be evaluated on an individual basis."
Good to hear Gio.

I posted earlier at the G forum: "I wondered if it was just a delay working into the index. Maybe kinda tied to the fact that the view link in dash can show "do not support" for up to a month lately, with the current pipeline delays?"

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