More threads by shondarogers

Aug 8, 2012
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I feel like i always seem to make my posts very confusing so i'm going to try very hard to be concise and clear.

Below is the client places ID (it looks very strange to me but that is what it is) I had a lot of problems with this Google account that i won't go into but finally had to just start all over about 10 months ago and now, although the CID is funky, the listing shows up and is "working".

Here is the problem - (1)it has no photos; (2) I need to adjust the categories. Should I mess with it or just leave it alone?

pacific euro hotel redwood city
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I think that link broke in the forum. Was that supposed to be all one long link?

Not sure how you got that link, but here's what I get.

G+ page with images - looks fine.

And the cid I get from there is a nice clean CID. Again not sure how you got that other link.

copied in full below

What do you need to adjust with categories? Cats are kinda messed up and having issues right now.
Plus we can't see what cats are in dash.

What do you have in dash now and what do you need to change it to?
Thanks, Linda - I'm not sure wherei got that weird link either except fro mthe page i was on. Another question - i need to add a category and add photos (There are no photos on th emaps listing in analytics....only 80% complete). Should i do that FIRST and THEN try to verify the listing?
There are no photos on th emaps listing in analytics....only 80% complete). Should i do that FIRST and THEN try to verify the listing?

I don't really understand.

When you say "no photos on th emaps listing in analytics" Do you mean there are NONE in the dashboard? Because there ARE images on the listing.

So Google added those images? Or users did? Then yes you should add if there are none in the dashboard. Same with categories, go ahead and add them.

"THEN try to verify the listing?" You are talking verifying the Google+ page to merge them? Sure you want to do that? If this listing has had a lot of problems, may want to hold off. Google says not to merge listings that are having data problems. So if this listing is still problematic I would hold off and since G+ is still a little buggy I would not rush to merge/verify unless client is really pushing for it.
Correct - there are no photos in the dashboard but there are in the listing so i think Google scraped.

"THEN try to verify the listing?" Youare talking verifying the Google+ page to merge them? --> OK... I think this is where i'm having a lot of confusion. I thought you had said in a previous thread that all listings have already been merged into a google+ listing. That happened automatically. BUT to "verify" the listing we need to create a Google+ account and a local page and THEN we can verify. to clarify, client DOES NOT have a google+ account created yet.

Am i on the right track?

That being said, I will take your advise and 1) add photos to dashboard 2)add correct category 3) wait to verify in Google+

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