We have a service area business. We currently hide our address on GMB because we meet clients by appointment only. We want to expand to other cities.
Are we able to create a GMB listing for each location and hide the address? I wasn’t sure if we were able to have multiple GMB listings with hidden addresses.
Also, I have found several offices in larger buildings that also offer virtual office space. I do not want to be delisted. Should we overlook these office spaces altogether bc they are associated with virtual offices? Even if our address is hidden?
Are we able to create a GMB listing for each location and hide the address? I wasn’t sure if we were able to have multiple GMB listings with hidden addresses.
Also, I have found several offices in larger buildings that also offer virtual office space. I do not want to be delisted. Should we overlook these office spaces altogether bc they are associated with virtual offices? Even if our address is hidden?