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Dec 24, 2023
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Today I got a new client who is a realtor, super amazing lady. Her GMB name is, "Firstname Lastname Cityname Industry", i.e. "Sally Fields Edmonton Real Estate" but this is not her legal business name. What is the best move to take? I told her that it's a suspension risk, she understands. Someone else set this up in the distant past, she does have access though. Thank you.
Today I got a new client who is a realtor, super amazing lady. Her GMB name is, "Firstname Lastname Cityname Industry", i.e. "Sally Fields Edmonton Real Estate" but this is not her legal business name. What is the best move to take? I told her that it's a suspension risk, she understands. Someone else set this up in the distant past, she does have access though. Thank you.

Take this for what it is: I had a client in same situation, we were proactive and edited the name properly. The profile was suspended. It took some time to reinstate, throughout the process client was stressed out.

With our clients, unless the client chooses to change the name directly on gbp, I prefer the alternative "suggest an edit" which 95% of the time worked for us.
So very grateful for your reply, that's exactly what I was worried about. What are the exact steps you take to rectify this through Suggest-an-edit please? Sorry to be a PITA I just want to make sure I get this absolutely right. Like you said if she gets suspended she will super stressed, this realtor is self-described control person so extra sauce on that stress for sure.
What are the exact steps you take to rectify this through Suggest-an-edit please?

Using another google account (that is not the profile owner or manager), search the profile on google search or maps. Midway, find the link "suggest an edit" and click it, you will be able to suggest a name change.
Using another google account (that is not the profile owner or manager), search the profile on google search or maps. Midway, find the link "suggest an edit" and click it, you will be able to suggest a name change.

"searching" is not necessary per se. You can use the review link from the Dashboard (though I recommend skimming the "/review" part), or the KG ID link from the PlePer browser extension. The former goes to the profile in Maps, the latter to the knowledge panel. These are especially useful when having a third party do the suggestion as it makes it 100% sure they get the right profile (you'd be surprised how often that has turned out to be a problem for us!).


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