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Jan 13, 2022
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Hello, has anyone had experience removing third-party links (e.g. LocalMed) from GBP? Do we need to just call the provider and ask for the link to be removed? Thank you.
Support will always direct you to the third party. Sometimes there is a on / off switch in your settings with the provider and other times the provider needs to turn it off. It could take weeks for some providers to disconnect. I know OpenTable for example took 3 weeks to get off a profile. I really wish Google allowed us to control these booking and ordering 3rd party links.
Can you share an example? Either the URL of the GBP with the localmed link or a screenshot of where you are seeing it.

In most cases, you would need to contact GBP support or the 3rd party platform to have it removed.
Screen Shot.png

This is what appears on the profile right below the phone number on the profile.
You're welcome. Let us know how it goes. If support isn't helpful, the next step is typically to contact the third party directly.
Sorry for the late update. So, we decided to wait before contacting support, and the link was updated the next day. LOL! I guess Google was just taking its time...
Support will always direct you to the third party. Sometimes there is a on / off switch in your settings with the provider and other times the provider needs to turn it off. It could take weeks for some providers to disconnect. I know OpenTable for example took 3 weeks to get off a profile. I really wish Google allowed us to control these booking and ordering 3rd party links.
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