More threads by Garrett Sussman

Mar 15, 2016
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Reverse Engineering The Perfect Online Reviews

Do you know it?

The secret to the perfect online review? It seems like an elusive thing, doesn't it? How are you supposed to identify the perfect review? Isn't that something customers choose for themselves?


Well doesn't that mean the perfect review is completely out of your control?

Not exactly.

Stealing gives you the formula for perfect reviews

Don't misunderstand.

I'm not suggesting that you plagiarize or steal your competitor's online reviews outright. That would be dishonest and frankly, pretty gross. Nine times out of ten, the word "steal" is synonymous with immoral activity.

This isn't one of those times.

No, I'm suggesting that you steal ideas. Not from your competitors, from their customers. From your customers. Another important point? I'm suggesting that you steal a very specific kind of idea.

Meta ideas.

What's a meta idea? The word meta is defined as:

A prefix used in English to indicate a concept which is an abstraction behind another concept, used to complete or add to the latter.

For our purposes here I'll explain it like this. A meta idea is an idea that transcends the topic of discussion. How does this translate to online reviews? Let's look at an example.

Idea: "When I hired XYZ agency, I was afraid it would be a bad experience."

Meta idea: Clients have been cheated, hurt or abused by their previous agencies.

See the difference?

This is what we're looking for. Meta ideas enable you to get to the heart of the matter. They give us the helpful details we'll need to create the perfect online review.

Read the rest of Andrew's post here.

This one is a bit longer, but he deconstructed 10 online reviews to determine what it was about them that made them effective and how you can recreate them for yours or your clients' businesses.



Sounds like another really eye opening post Garrett. Love the way the reviews are broken down. Can't wait to read the rest!

Thanks for sharing Garrett and thanks as always to Andrew too.

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