More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Jun 28, 2012
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We get asked all the time how you can post reviews on your site without a duplicate content issues or tripping a Google review filter.

Want a quick and easy way to showcase those precious Google reviews for your clients?

Here's an idea I just came up with for highlighting several reviews in a small amount of space.

I made this quick sample "Review Gif" in about 2 minutes!
And I'll tell you exactly how I did it below. NO screenshots. NO graphics creation.
Just... Point. Shoot. Gif.

Don't take our word for it! See what some of our happy patients have to say.


Again... No screenshots to take or graphics software to mess with.
No design at all. Just point and shoot with the free software I'll share below.

Fast loading. File size is only 419KB. And I recorded at the slowest, highest quality.

Here's one I did with my own reviews. Took less than a minute once I had some practice.



Point. Shoot. Gif. :)
Perfect for social sharing!

That one was just made with shots of my G+ L description, reviews and a images I already had.

Normally to do this we would grab a screen shot. Save. Screen shot. Save. Over and over. Then put the images into a graphics program and sequence to make a gif. I've done it and depending on the software, it can be pretty cumbersome. This way all you have to do is record the screen right from your browser - into a gif in a jif!


HOW TO & TIPS: - I made the examples above 500 X 300 to be a good social media sharing size. I used the slowest time for highest quality, but you could play with those settings.

THEN the cool thing I did and something I had to play with a bit to get right is, I zoomed in with browser to get the right size of review card to fit nicely in my ScreenToGif screen.

I used software setting to hide cursor and mouse clicks. That let me highlight a couple sentences without the cursor showing.

You can pause as you record. So I would center up my shot, hit play for about 5 seconds, highlight some text. Then pause, move to the next review, get everything all centered up, hit play for 5 seconds, pause and move to the next review. Easy! Peasy!

I could have done more reviews. Not sure how much it would affect file size.

You can even edit the gifs. After you create the gif the software lets you play a preview. Then you can even do frame by frame editing if there is a section you want to cut out or something. So I could have edited to make perfect, but I was just playing and it's so easy to do, I would have just started over instead of editing I think.

DISCLAIMER: I'm not a graphic artist and didn't time time to make these perfect like I would if they were really for a client. I was just playing to create an example to share.

In fact, if I was doing this for a client's site I would probably do it right and use slide creation software to add some nice transitions and make it fancier.

But for a quick occasional share on Google+, Twitter or Facebook, this is a quick & easy way to showcase several reviews in one small space. (Could have added a "call us" call to action at end too.)

Here's an example of how I used this software to generate content to share on Google+ and Twitter for a post I did yesterday. Cool little software program!

We get asked all the time for a way to showcase those precious Google reviews on our client's website. There are a couple ways to do it, but one of the safest is images. So I hope you find this advanced image idea a helpful way to give your clients a little value add and one more way to highlight their precious reviews.

If you like this... I have a really exciting new reputation marketing product I'm working on. WAYYYY higher impact than this! Could be a whole new service and profit center for some of you. Contact me if interested in BETA testing. :)

What do you think???


SURPRISE CHIP! I had to use someone for this example so I picked you. Hope you like it! :)

Chip is a client I worked with 4 years ago or so. Here is his Google+ Local page I used for the gif.

<meta property="og:type" content="article"><meta property="og:title" content=""><meta property="og:description" content="Here's an idea I just came up with for showcasing several reviews in a small amount of space. No graphics work. Just... Point. Shoot. Gif.">
<meta property="og:image" content="">


We've done this with videos for some clients and it's really successful - I've never thought about doing it this way Linda, I love it! And easier to produce
Good point Colleen!

Now if you are going to charge for the service, I would def do video because then you can try to get the video to rank for "Dr. Smith Reviews" or "San Marcos Dentist Reviews". And then that's also content that would add to their G+ page video tab. And again you can make it much nicer with transitions and effects.

But if you have a client asking for a way to put reviews on their site or you are trying to come up with a new idea for a blog post or G+ post, this is a quick easy way to do it.
What a brilliant idea Linda! And as you pointed out a great way to share reviews in a handy package.
Very impressive. Might have a redesign project coming up for a client that would do well with this.

---------- Post Merged at 04:00 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 03:53 PM ----------

Doh! Only for windows it seems...

I did a quick search and found:

Will test it out and see how it works. Very creative idea!
Ya that was the 1st one I found. But didn't try it.

This one looks like a better interface, but yes forgot to mention PC only I believe.
And if you are into reviews and reputation, you should come to our webinar today.

<a href="">Build & Maximize Local Reviews and Reputation Webinar</a>

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