More threads by luischavez0104

Aug 16, 2021
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Hi, has anyone noticed reviews from years ago disappearing on GBPs? One of our clients is gaining new reviews but the review count is staying stagnant because old reviews are being removed. He had some recent reviews go missing which were added back via support but this has been an ongoing issue. I made sure that the reviews werent being left at the same place and he confirmed that customers are leaving reviews from their homes.
Well, deceased users would go totally dormant, for one.

That being said, you haven't been very explicit about how many reviews are being lost, so it's hard to tell whether the numbers support the attrition rate one would expect from account closures.
Well, deceased users would go totally dormant, for one.

That being said, you haven't been very explicit about how many reviews are being lost, so it's hard to tell whether the numbers support the attrition rate one would expect from account closures.

That's a valid point and also it's been around 5-10 as far as we can tell.
That's a valid point and also it's been around 5-10 as far as we can tell.

so, to gauge this, we also need to consider 5-10 out of how many? (out of 20-30 is big, out of 300 is not so much) and over how long a period of time?

I should have asked that more clearly when I pointed we didn't know how big the problem was 😅
In addition to the algorithm that evaluates reviews as they are posted, Google also evaluates reviews that are already online. For more details, see this propaganda video: .

To jump to the section that matters:
This was a big enough issue that we needed to build into our platform a mechanism to continuously check past reviews to identify which ones have been removed (for whatever reason). We tend to see roughly 3-5% of all Google reviews removed across clients, industries, and regions. These numbers are high, but not (as others have pointed out) extraordinary.
I just noticed the same thing with my personal Google Business Profile reviews. Some of the old reviews ( 5+ years ago) have vanished. The reviews are from the clients that I am still actively working with and their emails are still active. Obviously, no violations of Google Policies.

I'll be contacting TBP support about it but I have very little hope that they will do anything about it.

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