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Dec 16, 2018
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Hello SEO community,

I was wondering whether one of you whizz-brains out there might be able to give me some pointers.

I've got a local florist client, and we're trying to up our schema game. We've got a series of individal local suburb-based pages for locations to which the client offers free delivery.

I'm familiar with the areaServed schema, but I'm not so familiar with best practices for how/where to add it.

My inclination is to use the client's LocalBusiness schema, which is already on the homepage and to add JUST the relevant areaServed code to that schema for each page.
eg THIS page'd add
"areaServed": [{
"@type": "City",
"name": "Box Hill",
"sameAs": "Box Hill, Victoria - Wikipedia"

Under the existing LocalBusiness schema, and ditto for all the other suburb pages.
OR would I be better adding ALL the areaServeds to the schema, and if so, on
a) ALL pages
b) Just the homepage?
My main goal here is to get this service area pages ranking for local search terms, hence I believe the more specific approach is best, but I'm not really basing that on any experience. Does anyone have any advice? I would be very greatly appreciative.

Cheers, everyone!
Hi, we've been likewise begun to introduce schema, specifically for our medical clients websites. Like other markup languages, there very often are times where there isn't a straightforward approach to it, or a dozen different ways to achieve the same result. In other words, not a lot of info about best practices especially when it comes schema markup sometimes for some of the most simple things.

What we've been doing is taking a look at other websites that have schema markup and using RankMath to import their schema and customize it based on the sites that have the most favorable results in getting a rich snippet from Google.

My main goal here is to get this service area pages ranking for local search terms, hence I believe the more specific approach is best, but I'm not really basing that on any experience. Does anyone have any advice? I would be very greatly appreciative.
In regards to your objective (above) to rank for local search terms, just wanted to make sure that you were aware that it has been pretty well established that schema doesn't improve ranking directly. Here's a great article that covers that: Schema Markup: Is It A Google Ranking Factor?

Also, we've found that Schema App has some really good resources available to learn more about markup. Here's a link to their youtube channel and website:
Lastly, we also found this article really helpful when starting out: 7 Best Tools for Structured Data (Schema) Testing & Execution

I know this didn't directly answer your question, but hope some of this may be helpful.
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