More threads by rosie.brightlocal

Oct 5, 2017
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Hi everyone!

I wanted to share our latest study in case it is helpful to anyone here: SEO Citations Study: How Many Citations Do Local Businesses Have?

The study (and nifty interactive tool) shows:

  • The average number of citations for businesses in each industry
  • The average number of citations for businesses ranked 1-10 in Google Local
  • The most popular citation sites for each industry
  • How many businesses are missing listings on the top citation sites

I really hope you find this interesting and useful! Let me know if you had any questions or thoughts.

Rosie :D
Nice work Rosie!

This is an insightful study.
Very insightful. I've always tried to explain the bell curve of citation building to clients but this will give me some data to reference that proves our strategy. Thanks!!

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