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Apr 16, 2014
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Haven't seen this posted yet, but here's a great collection of opinions on SEO Trend Predictions for 2016 by momentology!
SEO Trends 2016: 44 Experts On The Future Of Organic Search Success

This one by Martin Woods, SEO Consultant, SALT really resonated with me:
"While ongoing base SEO retainers make sense for regular repeat monthly sprints of work, such as technical audits, we are more commonly being asked to provide ?layered? projects on top of this, according to marketing calendars. This has been the case for supporting in-house SEO teams, as well as when we are sole SEO consultants involved on projects. I see this trend continuing into 2016."

I'm seeing a lot of companies expanding into other services, and "layers", and SEO being intertwined in all of these layers, and not as much of an afterthought as it once was (for businesses-- we always knew it was a core component of a good marketing strategy ;) ).

Anyone have any other predictions of what 2016 might bring :O ?
Hey Kate, thanks for sharing.

Look forward to reading.

Let the new year predictions start to roll. :)
Thanks Kate. Nice find. The best thing that I did to grow my business as well as my clients was to eliminate "channel silos" and integrate our seo efforts with PPC, display, and social marketing/amplification.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Here's another with more general marketing trends:

<a href="">Bryan Kramer | 69 Experts Share 2016 Marketing Predictions |</a>
I was wondering who would be the first to come out with predictions. There's a lot of things we have been debating internally on this list and some things I had never given proper consideration (tone consistency being one). Thanks for sharing, Kate.
Has anyone seen a list of Local Predictions yet?

Yext asked me to participate in theirs, but I was not able to. They are doing it in a unique way and featuring a single prediction from local search experts each day.

<a href="">2016 Predictions: No.1 – The Integration of Location | The Yext Blog</a>
From Gyi Tsakalakis, AttorneySync, @gyitsakalakis

<a href="">2016 Predictions: No.2 – The Multichannel Shopper</a>
David Hirschman, Street Fight, @davehirschman

<a href="">2016 Predictions: No.3 – A Tumultuous Year for Local SEO</a>
Greg Gifford, DealerOn, @GregGifford

<a href="">2016 Predictions: No.4 – Apple Becomes a Major Search Platform | The Yext Blog</a>
Andrew Shotland, LocalSEOGuide / Apple Maps Marketing, @localseoguide
Good looking out, Yext! I have to TL: DR pretty much all of these prediction articles so a daily drip is much more beneficial to learning and sharing knowledge with my team. Way to innovate and help us out!
Finally, 2016 will be the year that we see links begin to get degraded in the Google algorithm. The culture of fear and paranoia that surrounds links (both inbound and outbound) has infected the mainstream.

Really wish I had $1 for every time an SEO said links are 'dead' or 'dying' :rolleyes:
I'm personally looking forward to the evolution and diversification of content written for SEO purposes, in terms of quality, quantity and form, due in part to algorithm changes and social media experimenting with aggregated content. Some bubbles will burst, while others will grow and rise :)

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