More threads by Theo1313


Sep 30, 2019
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I oversee a home service company (HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Generators, Indoor Air Quality). Every couple of days GBP alerts me that "Services were added or removed from your business based on feedback from customers and other Google sources." Even though I go through them and save them every time. But they just come back, not always the same either.

Screenshot 2022-07-26 105244.jpg

The list they provide is almost always the same and rather large. Some of the entries make no sense or are just weird. I copied/pasted the latest list of services below. Are these really suggestions from customers or f? Some of them make sense but a lot of them are redundant with all of the existing categories/services.

Little backstory. The profile's main category is HVAC Contractor. The other categories are Plumber, Electrician, Heating contractor, Furnace repair service, Air conditioning contractor, and Air conditioning repair service.

My two questions are:

1) Are these the proper categories I should use for this business? Too many? Redundant?

2) Are the suggestions Google gives me a bug?

This is the suggested list I get every couple of days:

A C Unit
Air Handler
Another Plumbing And Heating
Aprilaire 600 Whole House Humidifier
Autumn Tune-Up
Basement Renovation
Basic Maintenance
Bathroom Fixture
Built Homes
Burst Pipes
Carbon Monoxide Testing
Chimney Cleaned
Circuit Breaker
Clean Flame Sensor
Commercial Electric
Commercial Emergency Services
Commercial Plumbing Services
Condensate Drains
Connections Check
Drain Pan
Electrical Generators
Electrical Jobs
Electrical Plumbing
Electrical Systems
Emergency Plumbing Repair
Energy Rebates
Entire House Plumbing Rough Ins
Flooding Basement
Full Service Plumbing
Gas Meter
Generac Generator
Generator Maintenance
Heating And Cooling Equipment
Home Cooling
Home Generators
Home Heating
Home Maintenance
Home Plumbing
Humidifier Pad
Installed Central Air In
Jetting Of Main Line
Licensed Plumbing
Main Waste Line Scoping With Camera
Main Water/Waste Line Replacements
Maintenance Plumbing
Necessary Repairs
Need Fixing
New Build
New Heating
Oil Furnace
Oil Tank
Plumbing Inspection
Plumbing Problems
Priority Service
Replacement Work
Routine Servicing
Run Gas Lines
Safety Inspections
Schedule Appointment
Service Calls
Smoke Detector
Steam Humidifier
Sump Pump Service
System Cleanings
Tighten Electrical Connections
Turnkey Solutions
Upgrades Wiring
Utility Rebates
Visually Inspect
Water Connection
Water Filtration Systems
Whole Home Humidifiers
Whole-House Generators
Wiring Replacement
Wood Floors
Your Plumbing Services
My understanding is that those services are typically added by Google when they discover the information from a 3rd party source. If you remove them they are supposed to not get added back.

Since the same ones are getting added repeatedly after you remove them I would contact GBP Support.
I'm also curious about this. I have a ridiculous amount of recommended services across all the GBP profiles I manage. It seems like Google may be suggesting them from my website or what they know about me and my competitors. To me, I feel like it looks spammy having so many different variations of the same service. But if Google is recommending them, then maybe I should just leave them.
I'm also curious about this. I have a ridiculous amount of recommended services across all the GBP profiles I manage. It seems like Google may be suggesting them from my website or what they know about me and my competitors. To me, I feel like it looks spammy having so many different variations of the same service. But if Google is recommending them, then maybe I should just leave them.

I also wonder if I should be optimizing every single one of these (i.e. putting in a description and price). There are SO MANY though.

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