More threads by j_holtslander


Feb 5, 2019
Reaction score
I've managed to get myself apparently soft suspended on my personal Google account from leaving reviews (Good or bad) on any businesses on Google Maps.
(Local Guide Lvl 8 with 22,231 points for 4065 contributions including 1408 photos with a combined 61M views)

This happened about a week ago and since then 3 reviews I've left for businesses are now completely invisible and do not register as existing when looked at while logged out or while logged in as another maps user. Photos attached to my reviews still show up but the review that it was attached to does not.

All my old reviews are intact and fine.

It was one of 3 things that I did recently that seems to have triggered this.

1. Less likely - Fixed typo in an old 1-star review I wrote 1+ year ago.
2. Less likely - Flagged both a review and the reviewer's account to Google as breaking policies. (Name calling by a single review account with a clearly fake name like "Lik Maballs".) (Reviewed by Google and determined to be ok.)
2. Most likely - Left a new 1-star review with text content on custom rug printer (actually in India) whose N.American corporate headquarters are located in a co-working space, complaining about all the unsolicited emails I receive from them. Like other reviewers there had done before me. (sigh)

What can I do at this point?

If all your old reviews are intact, your account isn't suspended, so that's the good news.

What types of businesses were the 3 you reviewed recently that aren't showing? Also, is the one in India showing?
What types of businesses were the 3 you reviewed recently that aren't showing? Also, is the one in India showing?
Categories for the most recent 4 reviews in order of newest to oldest:
  • No category/unclaimed(?) (Metal supplier)
  • Barbershop
  • Foam rubber supplier
  • Rug store
The one in India is not showing but the photo that was attached to the review is showing and is their primary photo now.
That's super interesting. I've seen lots more of these cases recently and in some situations, Google will reinstate reviews that aren't showing live if you contact GMB support.
That's super interesting. I've seen lots more of these cases recently and in some situations, Google will reinstate reviews that aren't showing live if you contact GMB support.
Yeah but it’s all reviews now going forward, good or bad. No matter what I post, it’ll be hidden to all but me. Obviously I can’t contact Google every time I post a review.

Well at least I know it’s not just me that was a bit stumped by this predicament.

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