More threads by JoyHawkins


Local Search Expert
LocalU Faculty
Aug 23, 2014
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I wanted to see if any of you have ever run into a case where adding too much to the listing in Google My Business at once triggers a suspension? Let's say you add UTM codes on the URL, add some attributes, a description & a services menu. Have you run into recent cases where changing too much at the same time causes a suspension?
No, I've never run into this issue and I regularly completely reconfigure listings. In my space, we often acquire businesses from other companies and rebrand everything about them - URL, business name, phone number, description, pretty much the entire listing. In almost four years, I can't recall a single instance where that appeared to directly lead to a suspension of the listing. I will say that we don't change categories in most cases, or the category which is changed is adjacent (moving from 'storage facility' to 'self-storage facility', for example). Maybe a major leap from, say doctor's office to Mexican restaurant, could trigger a suspension.
Yes. I have with two industries:
Personal injury attorneys
Drug rehabs

They were always soft suspensions. The drug rehabs suspend with as little as 3 changes to almost anything aside from posts.

I did notice that once a soft suspension was lifted and proper evidence of existence was submitted, the locations did not suspend again after multiple updates.
No, but I tend not to change much information after the initial setup...and if I'm overtaking a listing I'll make edits in small batches.
Yes, I have. I find that a suspension happens when I work on services, update the description and put in some attributes. It seems like I'm doing too much all at once and it suspends. I have not noticed if it lifts with multiple updates after a soft suspension. I just spread my updates out so that once an update is accepted I can move on and update another area.
I have in the drug rehab industry very often. Also in personal injury.

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