More threads by Tyler Hammer

Tyler Hammer

Jun 17, 2020
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If you had to pick one data aggregator listing to manage what would it be?

Also has anyone tried doing one aggregator service, then seeing how many citations that produces or updates on its own?

I'm trying to figure out if I could do Localeze or InfoGroup, then come back in a couple months and update any of the top listings that weren't updated. What listings would need updated?
I consistently hear from publishers that they prioritize Infogroup's data higher. This said, Localeze's publisher list is longer.

The drawbacks of aggregators are that they are extremely unreliable at actually getting the data out there especially onto publishers/networks that actually drive traffic. 3rd tier local directories that help generate citations (a SEO tactic), they'll be a little better but there's no real traffic value there and citation building is a less influential search rank factor now vs. a few years ago.

The big players like Google, Yelp, Apple have other more authoritative ways of collecting location data (website checks, checking what each other have data-wise for a location, crawlers) so rely less on aggregator feeds in deciding what to present to their users.

I've used aggregators for years to distribute client data further afield but that's not really their core value in 2020. It's more that they enable presenting your brands more consistently to the fewer publishers that actually matter. IE. If Google sees the same data on your website + GMB + aggregator = higher data confidence and that's one of the 200 signals they look at in ranking.

Good luck with your efforts! Any follow up Qs, feel free.

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