More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
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I know Infographics, boo. BUT here is one that's filled with awesome stats & info you'll actually use. Even though this is written for legal practices, I bet most of it applies to other industries.

And if it comes from Nifty Marketing/Nifty Law/Mike Ramsey - you KNOW it's good!

<a href="">The Optimal Local Landing Page For Law Firms - NiftyLaw</a>

Over four years ago we did research and created the infographic titled “The Anatomy of an Optimal Local Landing Page”. In that study, we focused on various industries such as food, automotive and insurance. A lot of things have changed in four years so we re-did this study to to identify what is working in todays results as well as solely focus on the legal industry.

To complete this study we performed searches in the largest 50 metros in the United States for the following practice areas: Business, DUI, Injury, and Estate. We then focus our attention on the top ranking site in the local map pack for each search term. Here is an example of a search result showing which site we would have gathered information from for our study.

I bookmarked this one for sure. Anything Mike comes out with is awesome. I'm a huge fan of them.

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