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Feb 12, 2021
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Hi everyone,

I found this forum and I really hope there might be someone here with a contact at Google My Business who might be able to give them a 'nudge'.

I have a local business based in London, UK. I organise events for single people like speed dating nights, parties, pub crawls & other such activities. The address of my website is Speed Dating London & Singles Parties From DateinaDash and on Google my page is titled 'Date in a Dash - Speed Dating Events in London'.

This business is a 'Service Area Business' so the address has not been entered into GMB (I think it was originally and then hidden but on checking yesterday the fields are blank so this must be a new update). I have checked all the fields and guidelines and believe my business adheres to all of them.

I have not made any changes or edits to any of the fields or information on my GMB profile since 2016. I have had no problems with the account being suspended in 6 years. I have had the profile for 8 years. I have spent a lot of time building up my reviews (we have 149 left over 8 year period) and working on NAPs and daily posts to ensure that my business was almost always in position 'A' on Google for my main keyword searches 'Speed Dating London' and 'Speed Dating'. Organically I am number 1-3 for both.

I am 100% certain that the reason my listing has been suspended is due to something that happened 3 days ago. I was trying to sign up to 'Google Workspace' and registered with the same e-mail that I also use to manage my GMB account. Long story short I removed the account from Sign in - Google Accounts on the advice of a Google Workspace employee and 10 seconds after when I tried to login to my GMB account it flagged up and said 'This account has been disabled due to suspicious activity' - my heart sank. I did a quick search on Google and saw my listing was still displaying but all the images I had previously uploaded were not displaying. I managed to verify my identify using a PIN code sent to my e-mail and was able to login to my GMB account.

I was greeted with 'The location has been suspended due to quality issues', given nothing has been edited or changed in 6 years and the fact 10 seconds prior (literally..) I had removed the same account I use to login to GMB from Workspace I am confident this is the reason for the problems I am now facing. I have tried to explain what happened to Google but they keep sending me a template response saying that my business is not eligible?

> I have been verified twice by Google, is it wasn't eligible I wouldn't have had an account in the first place.
> I have had this account for 8 years, 6 years without any issues
> There are dozens of other companies in my industry with active GMB pages for the same business type

In the past I would be able to chat to Google on the phone but this facility is not available anymore. I seem to just be going round in circles. I tried posting on the Google support forum but have had no response. This is really stressful and damaging to my business particularly as it's my busiest weekend of the year and I've had the most dreadful year anyway being in the events/hospitality sector with COVID etc.

As it stands right now, my listing is active on Google, if you type in 'Speed Dating' (and live in London) you will see it but if you type in 'Speed Dating London' it doesn't appear anywhere which is strange. If you type in 'DateinaDash' my Google listing does not appear but if type exactly the title it does 'date in a dash - speed dating events in london' so something really strange has happened as it's not disabled as it is appearing for some keywords but not everything and whilst I can login I can't manage anything within the account such as adding new posts, responding to reviews etc. Also, on that note I had responded to every review and currently none are showing.

I am sure it has something to do with the fact the account I used to manage this page was removed. Please can someone help me with this matter and if anyone has any contacts at GMB could they please escalate this case for me as it's doing my head in!

I will be happy to hang around on this forum and help other users with their questions/SEO in return. I used to run one of the largest freelance forums Webmaster Forum - Web Design, Programming and SEO forums - Powered by vBulletin (it's dead now!) in a past life so would be more than happy to help grow this community!

Thanks so much, Rob.
Just to add to my theory as to what happened... the actual e-mail i got from them when this happened was..

Your Business Profile has been suspended
Date in a Dash - Speed Dating Events in London at London, your Business Profile on Google has been suspended because it was flagged for suspicious activity.
Please review the guidelines for representing your business on Google. If you’re sure that your profile is compliant, submit it for reinstatement and our team will review your request as quickly as possible.
In the event of repeat violations, your Google Account may be closed.
Visit Google My Business Help to learn more.

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