More threads by spainops

Apr 12, 2014
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Does Maps get updated straight away these days or is there a time lag. Just been optimizing a listing and website (as per Lindas training) and he is no where to be seen

Most things are delayed. Depending on the changes you've made can take 2 - 4 weeks to see a bump. When did you complete everything - the G+ L and the site SEO?

Did you change NAP at all? That can really upset the applecart as I warn in training.

Additionally even if you do everything right, if the client has an organic penalty or a lingering G+ L penalty, or something is out of whack and you missed it, even the best optimization won't make a difference.

Then too there is Pigeon and good sites got buried, while spam rose to the top.


It's a new website and relatively new listing - no NAP change (in the UK)

Guess I'll have to wait and see !


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