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Rich Owings

Local Search Expert
LocalU Member
Apr 21, 2014
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Hi all,

Last week I went through Google support (in India!) to help a home-based, SAB client gain access to his Google Local page. But there are two G+ Local pages. Both show up in the dashboard as verified, and both are listed in Settings as tied to Google Maps. One uses his former address. The support person would not merge the listings due to the different addresses. Here's a little more detail on each listing:

  • This one is the old address
  • Address is hidden
  • This one shows up in branded search
  • It has one review, which I'm sure he'd like to retain

  • This one is the current address
  • Address is not hidden, although it is a home-based SAB
  • Does not show up in branded search
  • No reviews

What's the best way to handle this?
Hi Rich,

This comes up a lot. FYI it's also covered in more detail in the training you are planning to take.

Google won't delete or merge an old location once you move. It's a separate and justified record.
They want a record of the original so their database is accurate.

So the proper procedure is to mark the old location closed/relocated. That will pull the old listing out of KW searches but it will still be there if someone searches maps by name or phone. But it will have a marker saying "relocated to..." the new listing.

Reviews are in a separate database and you can ask Google to move it over to the new listing. Stress that it's the same business, same service, same city. And only address has changed but since address is hidden it's a moot point. It's the same service. (Not like a restaurant that moved and the ambiance could be totally different.)

But the new listing really needs to have the address hidden or is at risk of problems.
Ah, that makes perfect sense. Thanks for taking the time to reply on a Sunday.

I'm looking forward to the training!
Okay, this one sent me over the edge. I just emailed you to sign me up for the training!

This may be covered, but where do I report a listing as closed/relocated, and how long does it take it to go live?

I logged in to edit the old page, scrolled to the bottom and clicked on "Report problems with this page" and reported it there. Is that the proper place?

BTW, I have hidden the address on the new page. Did that right away!
Yay on you getting the training. I think it will help you a lot Rich!
(Got email but buried will be in touch in the next hour.)

Yes report a problem is the correct place. Did you note the new listing at the new location?

FYI to get the review moved over you can call support. I think there's a form for it, but I'd just call.
Thanks. Yes, I filled in the form and gave them GMap links to the old one and the new one, which is what they asked for. How long does it usually take?

I thought I'd get this straightened out before trying to move the review.
Rich it's hard to close a listing.

I did a big expose in the NY Times a few years ago because it used to be TOO EASY to close listings and competitors and other malicious users were closing businesses.

But if relocated and the proof is there (address on site, etc) should not be an issue.
Occasionally you may need to call support to get it done.

But I'd wait 2 weeks. 2 things to do in the meantime.

Be sure to kick the old one out of the dashboard. (Delete from account). If it's unclaimed may be easier to closed. And also be sure address is changed on the site and hopefully some of the major citations as well.

Yes makes sense to get this done before moving review.

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