More threads by Mike Pedersen

Dec 18, 2012
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Is there a problem if a client has 2 G+ profiles? I didn't realize she had an existing one, and I created, optimized and linked authorship with a new one.

The older one is with the email address used to create their G+ Local page.

Hi Mike,

I think the biggest problem it presents is organizational issues. Obviously it's going to keep things a lot simpler to have G+ Local, G+ Profile...etc under the same account. But, that's not always possible for various reasons.

You can always correct the issue if you are concerned about it. Simply delete the new G+ profile and use the old one for authorship.
I might just be really unlucky, but I've had that same situation cause me a great big fat headache. Biggest impact has been on her local listings and funnily enough, her phone. Still working through the mess.
Hi Wonderwoman,

Are you referring to multiple G+ personal profiles, like Mike is?

If so, how exactly did it impact her local listings?

Curious George ;)
Yes, the personal G+ profiles.

Where do I start with the headaches...
1 - duplicate local listings
2 - hidden local listings (at least I think that's what you'd call them Linda - very tricky to find and proving tricky to get rid of)

I was finding it almost impossible to know what I was working on because I'd sign in on one account and the other would suddenly show up.
So then I (inadvertently) compounded the issue by deleting one of the profiles. Seemed like the right thing to do at the time. Uh boy...

Deleting one G+ profile deleted both accounts.

Now I have unattached local listings. Some local listings have vanished - not sure yet whether they're floating next to Saturn or whether they're really deleted. No idea where the places pages went...
By deleting the G+ profile it's also caused issues with Analytics, her phone, WMT and a few others. Fortunately I had another account tied to some of those properties. Local has felt the worst of the impact.

Big lesson here - v detailed documentation on every single local page, incl and esp CID. Don't know if it would have changed the outcome but perhaps I could see what's what more clearly (or perhaps not).
And I'm incredibly wary of any link to "delete this" from G.

We don't have the offer of support here, so I can't get on the phone to get it straightened out easily. Fun...
2 - hidden local listings (at least I think that's what you'd call them Linda - very tricky to find and proving tricky to get rid of)

We don't have the offer of support here, so I can't get on the phone to get it straightened out easily. Fun...

Hidden merged dupe is what I call them, but I'm thinking that might not be it either.

Sounds like it's a scrambled mess. Can't really follow what's going on. Sounds super confusing.

What do you mean ne offer of support? You mean you don't have phone support yet? Do you have the troubleshooter? Where are you located?
Hi Linda, yes - no phone support. In Australia.

And I just found something that made me say "fudge sickle!" It looks like part of my problem could be the old google places dashboard vs the google+ dashboard.

A new listing has just cropped up (I didn't create, not sure where it came from) and when I click to manage it, it takes me to the old places dashboard not the new G+. Yuck.

Hurry up Google, roll out the new G+. This mess is driving me mad...
A new listing has just cropped up (I didn't create, not sure where it came from) and when I click to manage it, it takes me to the old places dashboard not the new G+. Yuck.

New listings crop up all the time. They are dupes. Google creates them.

If it's a dupe you should not be trying to claim or manage them at all. It's a violation to have more than one claimed listing per location.

Plus should not click manage on a listing. Can cause unintended problems. Not the best way to claim OR manage a listing. Can cause you to create or claim dupes without realizing you even did it. But if you did click manage and it took you to old dash - then it was already claimed?

Clicking manage would not take you to G+ anyway, it would take you to Places dash, so confused what you meant there too.

I sense confusion on several levels including things you said in the 1st post about profiles and accounts. But I don't blame you for being confused it can get pretty confusing sometimes.
Hi Linda

I'm mindful I've inadvertently hijacked someone else's thread - not my intention, apologies to Mike.

Happy for you (Linda) to split this to another thread.

In answer to your last post, the dupe isn't claimed, it's wide open for anyone to claim. ...makes me nervous...

*sigh* just when I think I've got a handle on this... when's your next training again?
No worries about the thread...

when's your next training again?

That's super complicated to answer. I'm having some issues. Please email me and I'll explain and give you the options. linda AT catalystemarketing DOT com.

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