More threads by TriciaClements

Jan 3, 2020
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I've got a new client and they are trying to verify their GMB account. It gives the option to call/text or email.

They've tried all 3, however they aren't getting ANY of the messages with the code, even checked email spam and they have a GSuite account.

Wondering if there is something going on with verifications right now due to covid and any suggestions.

Their account has a lot of issues and was setup a while ago and left without any work done to optimize. The first thing I'll be doing is changing it to a SAB, but wasn't sure if I should do that before the verification or if that would trigger other issues.

Thanks for any insight!
I had this happen a couple times last week where I sent the email and it didn't arrive. Usually using a different email fixed the issue.
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When you say use a different email, would that be simply having a different Manager or Owner login and try it?

Now when I go to the verify screen, email isn't an option anymore and when I ask it to text, they aren't getting the text. I'm thinking maybe they tried to email it too many times. They checked spam and it's not there either. Not sure what to do to verify it next.
What is the category of GMB
Right now it says "Association or organization", but I'm going to be changing it to Home Health Care Service. I just started working with them and it's a bit of a mess.
Do they have a phone tree that is blocking the call? Basic, I know, but just thought I would ask.
They said they have a Grasshopper phone. I'm not too familiar with it, so it may be, but I'm not understanding why they aren't getting the email. As a Home Health Care Service, I really want to get their account working as soon as possible, but stuck and not sure what I should try next.
Is postcard not an option? I'd go with that.
You can also try disabling Grasshopper long enough for a call.
Thanks. I was hoping to get a faster verification than postcard because it's in healthcare. I'm also not sure what they have setup with the Grasshopper phone and what happens if they disable it.

I'll see if they can temporarily disable Grasshopper and if not we'll go the postcard route.

Because it's a SAB and they set it up originally with an address (at a UPS store) should I change it to SAB before asking for the postcard to verify? I'm worried about getting suspended right now with limited Google Support. I just started working with them and the account is a bit of a mess. After verification, I was going to change it to SAB, but wondering if I should do that first. Thoughts?

Thank you!
Postcards still get sent and you can still verify the listing. There is still a freeze that some users (not all) are experiencing on publishing new listings.
Call their phone. If it doesn't ring straight through then that's the issue for phone verification. Any type of automated system will mess up the phone verification.

Disabling the system is usually pretty simple. You can just call into support and they can either walk you through doing it yourself in the dashboard or they can do it for you.
While attempting to verify the business's account, GMB has now suspended it. Being that it's in the Healthcare Industry, I filled out the GMB Get Help and explained the situation. They responded and asked for pictures of the business. When I had originally contacted them, I had noted that it is a SAB and I was trying to remove the address from visibility.

I've emailed them back, but based on the first response, I'm not hopeful of a fast answer and am waiting on a reply.

Any suggestions on any other tactics I should use to get a response since the business is in the healthcare industry?

Thank you!
Yep! You hear back usually in a couple days.
Yes, I was able to get it reinstated. Thanks! Now if I can get another that is a completely new business fixed on GMB. I'm able to get it unsuspended, but upon verification, it automatically gets suspended again. I've confirmed there isn't another business on the map at the address and removed the user that originally set it up because it wasn't done properly and I thought it may be a user problem. Originally GMB thought it was a SAB, but I provided the pictures to confirm it's not. Not sure why it keeps automatically re-suspends when verifying.

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