More threads by JoyHawkins


Local Search Expert
LocalU Faculty
Aug 23, 2014
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I'm happy to say that we're seeing corrections to some of the overkill that the Vicinity Update had on businesses that have keyword-rich business names. We were seeing patterns before that businesses with keyword-rich business names were being filtered out if there were several businesses in a market that had similar names (@Yan Gilbert discovered this). Thankfully, that seems have been reversed.

We are seeing the biggest impact on explicit keywords (keywords that include a city-name), like this one:

The changes are not as big for keywords that are implicit (no city-name):


We started seeing this earlier in the month:

However, the most noticeable impact was in the last 48 hours:

Thanks Joy

I have noticed an increase in website visits to my site in March compared to February but the extra traffic isn't as high converting. Traffic with less commercial intent perhaps.
To me this "correction" is a bad thing. It's just going to encourage businesses to continue to keyword stuff their business names.
Thanks for the update Joy. I would rather see a correction for SABs that located on the edge of town.

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