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Oct 25, 2022
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Sorry for my silly question but I really want to know about you guys what do you do after getting or building backlinks? I mean do you index them through any tool or just wait for them to be indexed by themselves?

what sort of links search console indexes?

I think it's always important to check on the indexation status of back links you're actively building. If you find that a back link you really think is valuable is not being index, you can try linking to that page on your own website on a page that gets crawled frequently and see if that helps. There's also tools out there that claim to be able to help index pages fast but I would be wary of that and try influencing Google to crawl and index back links by adding them to your own site first.
I think it's always important to check on the indexation status of back links you're actively building. If you find that a back link you really think is valuable is not being index, you can try linking to that page on your own website on a page that gets crawled frequently and see if that helps. There's also tools out there that claim to be able to help index pages fast but I would be wary of that and try influencing Google to crawl and index back links by adding them to your own site first.
I use Google Search Console which indexes internal, external, reciprocal, canonical, alternate language and structured data links. I don't wait until the links index themselves. The tool provides some good insights into crawl errors and search performance.

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