More threads by larryk


Oct 7, 2022
Reaction score
This is for the LSA backend...

New = Obviously, a new lead came in (phone call or message)
Active = working the lead (this includes setting appointments or booking quotes, etc. etc). This is "anything" BEFORE the lead becomes a paying customer.
Booked = Once a lead becomes a paying customer... the "service"
Completed = After, Once the service has been completed. The idea of a happy customer.
Archive = at any time after a new lead entered the system, the lead is dead. IE. Will never be a customer.

- many leads should stay in “active” OR “archive”.
- If a lead becomes “booked”, it will soon become “completed”.
- The only time a Booked lead goes to archive is if something terribly goes wrong?

How a client or industry deals with the 5 stages might be a little different, but the concept of “booked”
Is ONLY FOR paying customers, not booking a quote/estimate call.

Thinking, many businesses might have a 2 step sales process:
1st is an Estimate.
2nd is the performing of the service.

Is this your understanding?
@Chris Barnard

I saw you said:
As for ranking, it depends on the industry, job type(s), & location - sounds like you're doing the responsiveness, are you marking leads as booked too? And only dispute according to the defined reasons.

In talking with LSA support person, the above post was said. BUT that seems to be opposite of what you said?

I don't understand what is opposite, but if I'm mistaken it certainly won't be the first or last time. ;)

Booked and completed would definitely be best IMO since that means an appointment for service was scheduled - and completed. Booked but not completed tells me the appointment for work/service was not performed or canceled, or it's still scheduled for a future date.

I wouldn't think a future booked lead that is not completed would negatively impact your ranking. But again, I could not be pickin up what you're puttin down.

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