More threads by djbaxter


Jun 28, 2012
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Xenforo 2.2 has been released. I had hoped to update the forum this weekend but I've been having some health issues.

Sometime this week, I hope sooner rather than later. There are some new features and some substantial rewrite of the Xenforo core files which I will try to enable and create How-To threads for as I get time.

Thanks for your patience. I think you're going to like some of the new features but there are also some changes to the main post editor interface which I don't like at all and will be taking steps to change ASAP.

There are also some addons we use that will need to be updated for 2.2 and a few that have been made obsolete by 2.2 so this software update will take a while to roll out.

I mean, Google messes these up all the time. My goal is to demonstrate that we can do better. :cool:
The forum has been updated to Xenforo 2.2.

The forum style has also been upgraded.

As noted, there is some tweaking of settings that still needs to be done (e.g., the editor tool buttons and BB code) and new features in this version that will require further setup and How-To Guides.

Coming soon... thanks as always for your patience.
It actually went quite smoothly.

This forum was the second one I upgraded. For the first, I chose a low activity forum and I think I made all the mistakes you could make there. That made this one much easier. :)

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