More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
Reaction score
What value do empty reviews with only a rating have?
And what % of Google reviews are empty?

Greg Sterling over at Search Engine Land covers a study by Piper Jaffray.

<a href="">Content Free: 25 Percent Of Google+ Reviews Are ?Empty?</a>

Investment firm Piper Jaffray has started tracking and comparing Google+ and Yelp reviews. For its inaugural report, the firm looked at a ?snapshot of 950 places in 20 major cities? and compared review counts and depth across categories.

The main findings reveal some interesting things:

<li>Yelp has an average of 142 reviews per location; Google+ averages 69 reviews</li>
<li>Out of 950 places examined in the report, Google had reviews for 750 of them</li>
<li>Yelp reviews are longer (784 characters per review on average vs. an average of 161 characters for Google+ reviews)</li>
<li>A full 25 percent of Google+ reviews ?contained no text and only a [star] rating?</li>

Lots more info. Head over to read the rest...
Wow, 1 in 4 reviews have no text?? Seems like a lot. Maybe I just haven't been paying close enough attention to them.

On a side note, I was able to have a one-star "empty" review removed before. It only happened once, and I have attempted to have it repeated since then with no luck (I used phone support).

Thanks Linda
I've noticed that old Google reviews, the ones where the reviewers name is simply the generic "a google user", tend to have no text more often than the newer ones. Maybe it's just in my area?

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