More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Jun 28, 2012
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Want more ideas for white hat link building? Earlier this month the Ahrefs Blog did a great roundup that featured well known SEO experts like Rand Fishkin. Plus several local peeps, most of which are members here, participated too including: Phil Rozek, Joy Hawkins, Tyson Downs, Matt Williamson & Adam Steele.

There are lots of local tips, so Ctrl F "Local" and you'll find lots of local link building ideas too.

90 SEO Experts Talk White Hat Link Building, Outsourcing And Scaling

Phil's tip was rock solid. And I thought Joy's tip was pretty creative, so wanted to share part of it here. Click over to read the full tip.

Joy Hawkins Link Building Tip

My favorite out-of-the-box white hat linking strategy at the moment is the one that Backlinko talks about here.

I start by doing what they reference and searching Google for [keyword] + “dead link. For the keyword section, I would input topics related to my client’s industry

Once I find a few articles with dead links, I compile a list of what the links were about and see if I can use Wayback Machine ( to find what the page used to look like.

Then I have our content writer or the business owner write up an article about that topic if one doesn’t exist already. I make sure it’s accurate and cites several sources.

Once the article is live...

Above are just snippets, so head over to check out the other link building ideas.

What was your fav?

Pick up any new ideas???

<meta property="og:type" content="article"><meta property="og:title" content=""><meta property="og:description" content="">
<meta property="og:image" content="">
What a unique idea. Do you mean Joy that you basically substitute your clients good content - that fits the footnote - by editing in wikipedia?
Hello everyone,

I tried other blogging sites, but they never get back to me. I haven't tried the method above, but I will try this method next. Finding good backlinks can be a challenge sometimes. Thank you for this info.

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