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Jun 28, 2012
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Bing URL Submissions Plugin For WordPress
by Barry Schwartz, Search Engine Roundtable
July 2, 2020

Bing announced a new WordPress plugin that integrates your WordPress site with the Bing Webmaster Tools URL submission API. In short, the plugin looks for new and updated content and automatically submits it to Bing for fast indexing.

Most of you who run larger CMS platforms probably have already integrated your sites with the Bing Webmaster Tools URL submission API. I did here, took an hour or so to get live. But if you do not have the technical capabilities of doing so, you can just grab this WordPress plugin that is powered and supported by the Bing team.

Bing said the Bing URL Submission Plugin for WordPress enables automated submission of URLs from WordPress sites to the Bing index. Once installed and configured with an API key obtained from Bing Webmaster portal, the plugin detects page creation/update in WordPress and automatically submits the URL behind the scenes ensuring that the site pages are always fresh in the Bing index.

This plugin also supports:
  • The ability to toggle the automatic submission feature on and off.
  • Manually submit a URL to Bing Index.
  • View list of recent URL submissions from the plugin.
  • Retry any failed submissions from the recent submissions list.
  • Download recent URL submissions for analysis.

Bing URL Submission WordPress Plugin Outreach After Indexing Issues
by Barry Schwartz, Search Engine Roundtable
Jul 29, 2020

Microsoft Bing is sending emails to some site owners after installing the new URL submission WordPress plugin. The email is to let these site owners know of a "large number of failures in submission of URLs" to the Bing index. This is leading to searchers "not seeing your domain on priority in the index." This does not sound great but it seems Bing is on top of it.

Microsoft is offering to "help and debug any problems" that they are running into " so as to allow our search engine to index your content and provide additional relevant traffic to your site," Bing said. ....

Frédéric Dubut from Microsoft confirmed this is a legit email from the team, he said on Twitter "PMs are reaching out directly to webmasters when we detect some of these issues. They're looking particularly for issues related to the WP plugin since it's been launched just recently."

It seems like this is not causing ranking issues for content already indexed by Bing but an issue with new URLs that Bing has not yet indexed through this plugin.


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