More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
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Just saw Matt Cutts Tweet this so wanted to get it out to you guys. The Verge has a great write-up and screen shots.

Google Maps for iPhone is here: how data and design beat Apple
The Verge

In the wake of Apple's Maps problems, Google finally delivers what might be the best option on any smartphone — Android included

Google has released a native maps app for the iPhone and it's fast, full-featured, and quite frankly the best-looking mobile maps experience on the market today...

The majority of maps features that matter are all here: traffic, turn-by-turn navigation, transit directions, walking directions, satellite view, street view, indoor photos, Zagat restaurant reviews, and a bit of integration with your Google profile. Unlike many of Google's other, earlier efforts on iOS, Google Maps is a fully-native app instead of a "web wrapper."

I'm still reading this and I'm sure lots of other stories will break tomorrow morning.

Let us know if you see anything interesting about G+ Local.
Thanks for sharing Linda - just noticed this morning. It's certainly been a nice early Christmas present.:)

However, one thing I'm noticing is that you can no longer "drop pin" in the app, and then use street view to look around. This was a very useful feature in the old app.
Edit/Update - - I'm now hearing reports that "Street View" is available on the app, so I will investigate!

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