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Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
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I've always been a huge SEOmoz fan, but never joined, because they just don't focus enough on local for my taste. BUT that's all about to change.

It was just announced that SEOmoz acquired GetListed & Davd Mihm joined the team as a full-time staffer. So get ready for LOTS of local goodness to come from SEOmoz now. (Although they already had the talent of our beloved moderator Miriam Ellis, this will just help the local focus even more!)

Here's all the news from a variety of places:

Announcing Our Acquisition of GetListed & Plans to Help Local Marketers & SEOs | SEOmoz Blog

"As part of the acquisition, we're releasing the following reverse ransom note to the Internet on behalf of small businesses"


NOTE: The letters are made up of signs from local businesses
in Portland and Seattle, their home towns!
VERY cool!

David's Blog post: (and Yours Truly) Is Joining Forces with SEOmoz

GetListed Blog post: Is Joining Forces with SEOmoz

Press Release: SEOmoz and GetListed join forces | SEOmoz

Wow, really big news and as I said on the SEOmoz blog... Congrats to David, Rand, rest of team
AND all the consultants and SMBs that are going to benefit from this brilliant union!

I am really interested to see what types of changes are in store for these guys.
All eyes are on them for sure! I have always liked seomoz but they never fully fit my needs.
Isn't this awesome news!!! I'm so excited. I had to blog about it - SEO Igloo Blog Acquisition of GetListed By SEOmoz A Match Made In Local Heaven!

David and Rand are both such stellar guys and I consider this to be a brilliant acquisition. In many ways, SEOmoz' acquisition is proof of the big role Local has come to play in the SERPs.

And, I just keep thinking about the development power that will now back's future. The software/tools SEOmoz develops are really second to none (full disclosure: as Linda has mentioned, I sub-contract there) - so just think of the capability being brought to the Local space! Pretty exciting.

This is such great news and I've been busy congratulating everyone involved.
I too applaud this merger since a greater concentration of brainpower can only help the community. A thought or two came immediately to mind yesterday but I held off bringing them up for a few reasons, not the least of which is the enormous respect I've gained for folks here who have a personal acquaintance with the parties involved.

I really don't want to put a pin in anyone's balloon but seriously, I use the getlisted tool all the time but only as a starting point. That's because it claims to be an accuracy report but one thing lacking almost all of the time is - well - accuracy.

I would never use the data as gospel in conversations with a client or prospect since more often than not I'm told a Co has no page on Google yet I'm looking at a fully tricked out place page.

I've yet to figure out Google's true motive for the laughable excuse of local business listings, and I often wonder if others have similar ulterior motives for less than functional utilities. The Google excuses don't fly at all so I wonder why we have to have an accuracy tool that has no relationship to accuracy. My apologies to Mr Mihm for even suggesting proximity to a Google motive.

The irony to all this is that the entire foundation of SEO is based on trust. Yet we can't trust Google to display accurate data and we can't depend on developers to produce accurate tools.

If anyone wants to slap me around for bringing this up have at it. I'd prefer never having to take a critical point of view but in this case I've been trying to understand the celebration over a tool that doesn't actually work.

Anyone feel the same way?
If anyone wants to slap me around for bringing this up have at it. I'd prefer never having to take a critical point of view but in this case I've been trying to understand the celebration over a tool that doesn't actually work.

Anyone feel the same way?

It'll work to make lots of money that's for sure.
Chris, thanks for your comment. We receive about 4-5 email per week reporting inconsistent results in our tool & my apologies if you have sent one in that we didn't respond to.

If you are willing to share, I'd love to hear specific businesses where you've seen inconsistencies in the tool vs what you see on Google or any other search engine for that matter. Feel free to email them directly at We're always looking to make GetListed more useful and now at SEOmoz we will be able to make it even more reliable.

Thanks everyone for all the encouraging words!

Hi Chris,
That's interesting...I have personally found GetListed's tool to be pretty accurate. What I like it for is when I am speaking to a brand new potential client. I can get a very quick glance at whether they have done any local SEO work yet or not. It's helpful to me.

Totally agree with you about the difficulties with Google.

I see this acquisition this way...David has successfully taken GetListed to a certain point. With backing by SEOmoz, there is the potential to go much further.
Thanks for stopping by to weigh in, David.
And big congrats again!
Very impressive! Thank you David for the response and also to Linda and Miriam for the input.
I mentioned respect in my earlier post and the level of respect I have for David Mihm has increased by several magnitudes. The tool is invaluable, I appreciate having the ability to use it, and if it works it's an asset to the community. I'll send along examples of obvious inaccuracies.

Now if only Google could acquire the same transparency, spirit of cooperation, and ability to respond. Kinda like saying if only the government could...
This is exciting news. I'm a big fan of SEOmoz and GetListed. It seems like a perfect pairing. I'm looking forward to all the awesome local SEO posts and tools that are sure to come!

Travis Van Slooten

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