More threads by sarmcl


Jul 7, 2017
Reaction score
We have a client get inundated with fake spam Facebook reviews. They have flagged them months ago. Facebook does nothing. They are a senior living community so their reputation is big to them obviously. Any suggestions

Okay thanks for that tip. Appreciate it.

I've contacted support about this issue. They said all we could do is flag them. They have no ETA on if or when they'll be removed. They'll investigate, and that's the best answer they can give me. 😒 They said to continue to monitor the reviews and report them if new ones arise. Not helpful at all in this matter.
We work with several credit unions and this has been a HUGE, ongoing problem for them. We've flagged the reviews and profiles over and over for months, with no success. Then, out of the blue they started getting removed. It is such a pain, but I would say keep flagging and have others on your team flag them too. Good luck!
Okay thanks for that tip. Appreciate it.

I've contacted support about this issue. They said all we could do is flag them. They have no ETA on if or when they'll be removed. They'll investigate, and that's the best answer they can give me. 😒 They said to continue to monitor the reviews and report them if new ones arise. Not helpful at all in this matter.

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