More threads by Tyson Downs

Jul 29, 2013
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So, I recently took on a new client that had two physical therapy offices.

I created a brand new listing for city A. Had the postcard mailed and claimed it. All good.

At the same time I created a brand new listing for city B. Had the postcard mailed and claimed it. All good.

I go back in a few days later and only one listing is in this Google + account.

After doing some research, I finally find the other account and it is in a Google Places dashboard (old).

So, even though I created both accounts at the same time, same login, and they are both brand new accounts, one went to the new dashboard, one went to the old dashboard. Though, they were both in the new dashboard when I created them AND they were both in the new dashboard while in 'pending status'.

Is this normal?

Will the other come out of the Places dashboard and into the new dashboard?
You said "and only one listing is in this Google + account"

I'm a little confused. Did you initially set both up directly in G+ as local business pages?

Then you said "Will the other come out of the Places dashboard and into the new dashboard?"

Both old and new are called Places dashboards, so again it sounds like you set them up in G+ instead of Places?

Can you clarify where you set them up? In Google Places and then one ended up in old Places dash?
Or did you set up in G+?
My fault. I went to to set it up.

After setting up the first one (being the new set up dashboard), it asked if I wanted to do another one, which I did, and once again it was in the new set up that you have when you claim a new listing.
K thanks, I just have to double check with all the different names and confusion.

So you set up 2 new in the name NEW Places dash. Then one disappeared and you found it in an old dash?

In same account? How did you find it? What made you think to look for an old dashboard?

No not normal, sounds really odd.

Did you carefully check to be sure there was not already a listing out there? That's the only thing I can think of is that it was not a new listing you set up but an old existing one that you claimed. But still seems odd that it would be in the new for awhile then pop out and end up in an old dash...

Well not much you can do but wait. Pretty soon all listings will be upgraded to new dash. That one should too.
Yes correct, set it up in the new Dash. Both were in the new Places Dash until claimed. Then one moved to the old Places dash.

Found it cuz I searched in Maps by phone number.

No, there was no listing before, I created both listings, these guys had nothing at all before, no old listing, I searched multiple ways, Dr. name, phone, address, practice name, etc in Maps and there was nothing before.

Ya weird and frustrating, waste of time for me to have to trouble shoot stuff that shouldn't happen in the first place.
Yes correct, set it up in the new Dash. Both were in the new Places Dash until claimed. Then one moved to the old Places dash.

Tyson, are you saying that you have the old dash and the new dash simultaneously appearing in the same account?
Colin-City A, and City B listings, both claimed in the new dash.

One of the listings now appears in the new dash, and one appears in the old dash. City B went to the old dash after it was verified with the PIN. Prior to that, they were both in the new dash.
Colin-City A, and City B listings, both claimed in the new dash.

One of the listings now appears in the new dash, and one appears in the old dash. City B went to the old dash after it was verified with the PIN. Prior to that, they were both in the new dash.

Can you share some screenshots? I'm not following how you can have the old dash and the new dash under the same account. It should be one or the other.
Yes Linda I know. But I saw that the listing was claimed and it was what I put in there so I went to and logged into the old dash and saw the listing there.
Yes Linda I know. But I saw that the listing was claimed and it was what I put in there so I went to and logged into the old dash and saw the listing there.

Can you share some screenshots? I'm not following how you can have the old dash and the new dash under the same account. It should be one or the other.

Yep color me still confused too...
Not sure if related but I just found a log in problem at Google. Wonder if this is by chance what happened or related.

I went to (Using a G account that does not have a Place page.)

Clicked Sign in link. It should have send me to a form to enter user name/pass, so if I was not logged in or wanted to log in to a different account I could.

It didn't. Instead it sent me to the search for your business map page.

So if you followed what it looked like Google was telling you to do and searched for business you'd be ADDING IT AGAIN. Essentially reclaiming. (Which you are not supposed to be able to do if it's claimed in new dash, but sounds like yours popped out of new dash.)

So does ABOVE sound like what happened? Were you in a different account when you hit sign in and it claimed it in a different account???


Then I did it again - went to (Using a G account that DOES have a Place page - in old dash.)

Clicked Sign in link and it took me right to the listing in old dash, not to search for your business screen.

So the question is, did you get a search for your business screen?
And was this the same account the 1st listing is in or did you maybe reclaim in a different account?
Sounds like I've completely confused everyone. Sorry about that. I'll try and figure it out. Haven't had this happen before. Thanks for the replies.
Sounds like I've completely confused everyone. Sorry about that. I'll try and figure it out. Haven't had this happen before. Thanks for the replies.

Well we would still like to try to understand what happened.
Are both in one account or 2?
Or if possibly reclaimed or whatever.

1) In case it happens to others so we can understand it better.

2) I'm going to tell Google about that problem with the sign in link going to search for your business, so if that was any part of the prob or caused confusion or maybe caused you to re-claim the biz then I want to let them know that too.
Well, I'm curious too. Colan asked for a screenshots, are you wiling to share those?

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