More threads by raylaminac

Oct 16, 2013
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I have a handful of daycare businesses that recently have been seeing a drop in traffic. Their rankings are all remaining solid and are not fluctuating or dropping. According to the trends chart the search volume is typically low in December and this year was no different.

Is anyone else that works with daycares seeing anything like this?
Hey Ray,

I've never personally worked with Day Cares before.

If you want to share links and the search terms I can move this thread to the help section.
Typically less traffic in that niche around this time. Holidays, people are off work, guys in construction are laid off for the season, people are not going out and doing as much, etc. all lead to less daycare needs and searches.
Hi Ray
One tool I use as a sanity check when investigating fluctuations in traffic is the google trends. You can drill down to relatively local level and it gives me an ballpark to gauge a client's site by. If their drop is in line with the industry, then probably just keep an eye on it. If theirs drops but generally queries are up - then time to do some digging.

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