More threads by austins36


Nov 8, 2019
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Is anyone aware of a tool that allows you to search an entire website for links containing "tel:" I'd like to be able and make sure that our client's site is rid of any numbers that aren't their own and was curious if there was a tool for that.

Any response would be appreciated

@austins36 The paid version let's you do "Custom Search".

Main menu...
  1. Configuration
  2. Custom Search
  3. Set it to this:

You can use Screaming Frog for this. Crawl for internal links and sort all the ones that have tel: in them and manually check they are all correct.
You can use Screaming Frog for this. Crawl for internal links and sort all the ones that have tel: in them and manually check they are all correct.

I've tried this. However, Screamingfrog doesn't show tel: links when I search or filter for them. Is this a pro-only feature?

@austins36 If you're already paying for Ahrefs, you could use Site Audit to run a crawl. It lets you do a text search of the HTML.
@austins36 If you're already paying for Ahrefs, you could use Site Audit to run a crawl. It lets you do a text search of the HTML.

I've tried doing this within the Tools > Link Explorer. However, whenever I search for tel: related links, nothing shows in the results... Am I doing this incorrectly or do you have a way of going about doing this with AhrefsS?
hire a scraper from to do it for you. will cost you a pittance and they can scrape hundreds of thousands of sites for you

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