More threads by mikepcservice

Jun 6, 2018
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Hey guys, I can use your input/advice on this situation please. A local plumber approached me to do SEO for him as I have been doing for another Plumber going on 3 years now with success. I told him I do not think it would be wise and mainly ethical for me to do the SEO for both him and my client basically for the same services but I will let him know. .

We are scheduled to have a meeting on Monday to go into details but I am already seeing that some of the kw's we have been using for my client is what he does too. He has other kw's of his own but for whichever kw's should be similar to my client, there will be competition between these two guys. I am wondering how much loyalty do I owe to my existing client, any ideas please? Thx.
I avoid such things. If I were in a large enough city and they were on opposite sides of town, it would be different. Another consideration is, do you have a contract for ongoing services with the first plumber?
Our company has a policy of not taking on a new client in the same industry and same locality as an existing client. We make this clear to each and every prospective client. However, sometimes we'll have a prospective client (in the same industry as an existing client) approach us and REALLY wants to utilize us for helping with SEO even after explaining our policy. They just won't take no for an answer. In those cases, we simply ask our existing client if they would have an issue with us taking on another client in their space. In every case, the existing client did not want us taking on a new competing client. I'd recommend doing the same and asking your existing client their opinion. Being you are in NYC, they may be OK with it as there could be enough business to go around especially if they are not in competing boroughs.
It never hurts to ask. We usually divide up NYC into boroughs so it would be fine to have a client in Bronx and another in Staten Island since they won't be targeting the same things or ranking in the same area. That being said, if you haven't had that conversation with your client, the best thing would be to ask them if they mind. It's way better to keep an existing client happy than get a new one.

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