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Jun 28, 2012
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Google My Business Progress Status Of Reinstatement Request
by Barry Schwartz, Search Engine Roundtable
Oct 29, 2020

Ben Fisher spotted that Google is now testing in Google My Business a status indicator of where your reinstatement request is. So if contact Google My Business for something, if you go back to the form, it might show the status of that request.

Ben said Google added a contact flow and said "the implications of this could be amazing for those who are waiting on Google My Business reinstatements, general contacting of GMB for support, and those who wonder what has happened to a GMB spam redressal that was submitted."

Here is his screen shot:

This probably can help Google reduce duplicate submissions and also help local businesses know their original request was received and being processed.

I hope this comes to fruition, just knowing my redressal was actually being worked on was cool!
Thanks for the reply Ben.

I think I might be misunderstanding when you said redressal. In the article you say reinstatement request and use the word redressal.

Will this (once it's rolled out) also apply towards redressal form submissions? For example, if you are spam fighting and submit 50 submissions, will the status of them be listed here?
The SEL piece is a bit misleading, in my article I state it is a redressal case ID and think it may apply to reinstatements if they do roll this out.

It is an experiment I think right now.

I would think that it may only show one, but that is a guess atm.

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