More threads by Matthew Newman

Apr 25, 2013
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This morning, when checking on a few accounts, I was startled to log on to claimed listings and see:

No listing.jpg

with no option to view the profile, for several listings.

Worried that the listings had been deleted somehow, I did a quick search for them in Google, and when opened, it would still give me the message


Clicking on that would take me to a new G+ Dashboard, where I could edit the listing information and add managers and all that stuff, so I still am the owner.

Have listings disappeared in the PfB dashboard for anyone else, or is this just a bug for me?

No listing.jpg

Hi Matthew,

So you are saying it's like you lost the Places dash and only have the G+ dash???

And it happened on multiple accounts?

Were these listings in the new or old dash?

Did you try calling support to see what they say.

Seems like a lot of things are shaken up, so there must be an update or something.
LOL. No worries Matthew.

I'd rather have you doing a facepalm then some radical change that made everyone think they lost their dashboards.

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