More threads by SEOGretzky


Aug 27, 2019
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Can anyone tell me if there is a way to organize your photos so that you can manage the order in which they appear on the public side? Some of our listings main public image displays the logo, some display a team member, some display xyz... to me it seems that it's a random selection but i don't know for sure.

Any advice will be welcomed thank you :)

The photos that show in GMB are a combination of photos provided by the business owner as well as uploaded by customers. That may provide to be a tough challenge.

How stringent is it that the order is 100%? If I am hearing you correctly, it sounds like you may not care so much about the order as having certain photos appear farther down. You may try hiring a Google Trusted Photographer to bury photos the business isn't thrilled about showing-

Can you link me to the profile? I'd like to check specifics if that's okay.
Hi Craig, thanks for getting back to me.

The real issues is the main image you see on the SERP when you view a listing by searching the company name (see random screenshot to confirm the image location of said topic)... in some cases we had clients team members showing up as the main image rather than the head person/partner or logo. We work with Law Firms and Individual Attorney's so needless to say they did not like our answer.

I would rather not share the client profile but with that said i don't think i need to share as i believe i have my answer which is, no you can not control what images are displayed.

thank you for your time and your answer, its greatly appreciated! :)

Screen Shot 2019-10-07 at 7.13.49 PM.jpg
With Google My Business, all we can ever do is influence what our entity shows in search. As you stated, at the end of the day the search engine makes the decision.

That said, you can 100% influence the image that is shown for direct (branded) searches. Here are two examples:
  • Picking an image that does not have a ton of background detail.
  • Picking an image of an exterior of a building.
I hope this helps. Good luck.
In addition to Craig's suggestions make sure your cover photo size has dimensions of 1332 x 750.
ok so what you both are suggesting is that if i match your suggested criteria then ill have the best chance of being able to "control" the branded image...

again, thank you both for your replies, its greatly appreciated!
Thanks for the advice about the cover size, I'll have to give it another go one day. I was so frustrated with how it all works I gave up on it. My photos were a scrambled mess and I wasn't happy with what was showing in Maps and my rankings dropped so I stopped using it all together and unpublished my GMB website. Life has been better since then so I'm reluctant to touch any of it now. Too risky. I can't afford the experiment and huge drop in traffic.
Hey guys i was able to figure this out or better yet, i was able to play with the images until i got the result I wanted.

What i did: (on 20+ GMB dashboards)

1. I made sure the cover image was the one I wanted to display as the main image on the public side (I didn't worry about size as long as it was able to be uploaded)

2. I then deleted the image Google was originally displaying.

That seemed to work, although I did have one or two out of the 20+ that did not cooperate. I was able to correct that by making both the logo and the cover image the image i wanted.

Thanks again for all your advice, have a great day!


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