More threads by JoyHawkins


Local Search Expert
LocalU Faculty
Aug 23, 2014
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I've experienced several instances lately where I contact the GMB team about a review I flagged inside the GMB dashboard and they tell me they can't see that I flagged the review. It just happened again today for a review that I flagged on December 20th and this time I even kept the generic email you get from Google that tells you they got your flag. It's irritating because their canned response is always to tell you to flag it again and wait 3 days. I don't want to wait another 3 days. I have a theory that maybe this is yet another bug with the GMB agency dashboard but wanted to check with the rest of you to see if anyone else is experiencing this?
Interesting, @JoyHawkins. I've not run into anything like that, though I don't flag reviews as often as one might think.

Did you run into the same issue in a non-agency GMB dashboard, or when flagging a review in the pop-up (outside of the dashboard)?
Interesting. I have one to do right now, so I'll do it via the dashboard and see what happens.
@Phil Rozek I don't have a non-agency dashboard to test it on but I just figured it could be another of the long list of bugs.
I've experienced several instances lately where I contact the GMB team about a review I flagged inside the GMB dashboard and they tell me they can't see that I flagged the review. It just happened again today for a review that I flagged on December 20th and this time I even kept the generic email you get from Google that tells you they got your flag. It's irritating because their canned response is always to tell you to flag it again and wait 3 days. I don't want to wait another 3 days. I have a theory that maybe this is yet another bug with the GMB agency dashboard but wanted to check with the rest of you to see if anyone else is experiencing this?

I've had this happen both with and without the agency dashboard. We flagged the review a couple weeks prior to calling Google, and the person at Google claimed she saw nowhere that the review was ever flagged.

Told me to wait 3 days and then respond to her email if it had yet to be removed after the 3 days. I did, and then they emailed back saying they could see where it was flagged but would not remove it since it "didn't violate policy".

Long story short, yes I had the same issue but it seems like it ended up working eventually. Frustrating though at first especially since I had kept the confirmation email saying I flagged it and they still were trying to tell me I must not have flagged it properly.

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