More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
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If local search was not complicated enough... are you ready for HYPERlocal search?

Andrew Shotland just shared this over at Search Engine Land

<a href="">Is Your Local Business Ready For Google’s Neighborhood Algorithm?</a>

While doing some research in Costa Mesa, CA last week, I hit a Google test bucket that specified the East Side Costa Mesa neighborhood as my location in Search Tools...

...As we all go mobile, wearable and trackable, Google is clearly trying to get more granular with its localized results, and neighborhood is most likely going to be an important local SEO battleground. So what can you do when the algo kicks you out of the hood?

When It Comes To Hyperlocal SEO, Location May Not Be Enough

So besides doing all of the other typical local SEO tactics, it seems to me that if neighborhood is becoming important, you’ll want to make neighborhood a part of your plan to try to trump the interlopers from across the border...

Then he goes on with some tips about "How To Get Ranked In Your Neighborhood"

Head over the read the whole post. Especially if you or your clients are in a big metro, you may want to get ahead of the curve ball on this one.
Funny, I was just searching for a dealer of a certain product and a city and noticed a shaded box around the city I specified in the search. I did not inspect it closely enough to see how accurate it was but I did notice this as well.

I wonder if this somehow ties in with Patch as I know they specialize in hyper local news and usually have neighborhoods under a sub-domain of Patch. I'm thinking no but Patch has been on the hyper-local scene for some time now.
I think Google has known about neighborhoods for a long time on maps.

Have you ever noticed on SABs with address hidden they will often indicate the neighborhood + city? That's been going on for a long time.

But this particular treatment of neighborhoods is new.

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